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Before you start with this chapter!! There is a part separated by -- where Y/N and JJ are having a conversation and Morgan and Reid are having a different conversation. THEY ARE HAPPENING AT THE SAME TIME!! The convos are split by bold headers, but just a heads up so it doesn't get too confusing!

Okay now go read. See you at the end!

"Are you ready?"

Spencer walks out of the closet fiddling with his sleeves as he nods in response to your question.

He looks you up and down with a worried look on his face, "Are you sure you're able to go tonight? I don't want you to push yourself too hard."

"Spencer," you say, crossing the room to get to him and clasping your hands around his neck, "I am fine now and I will keep being fine at Rossi's tonight. It's all good."

He sighed but ultimately accepted your answer, "K. But just tell me if you need to go home. We can always leave early or take a break. You have options."

You nod and he pulls you in for a hug.

"Okay, okay," you laugh pulling away from him, "you're smothering me. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and then we can leave."

You see his smile as you close the door to the bathroom and lock it.

You pull a long, slim pregnancy test out of your purse and turn it over and over in your hands. You had run to the drug store in the middle of the day today after throwing up yet again.

You had managed to be quiet enough about your nausea the past few weeks, but after this morning's fiasco with Spencer following you into the bathroom, you just had to find out.

You had to know.

After fiddling with the test for a few more moments, you finally get the courage to sit down and pee on the stick until you hear Spencer outside the door, "Y/N,"

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"You good in there?"

"Yeah, I'm good! Coming!"

You throw the unused, wrapped test back into your purse and head back into the bedroom.

"Why'd you lock the door?" Spencer asked, "You never do that."

"No reason," you place a kiss on his hand in an effort to distract him, "Let's go!"


The car ride to Rossi's was two things: long and awkward.

You tried to distract Spencer from the weird bathroom encounter, but you were talking to a profiler. He had to know something was up.

Maybe he thought you were just throwing up again? Hopefully he thought that. No reason to scare, excite, or disappoint him. You didn't exactly know how he would react. He had always been so great with kids on cases, but did he want his own?

Stop spiraling, Y/N. You don't even know if you're pregnant yet.

All of a sudden a hand lands on your thigh and you hear, "We're here," which snaps you out of your thoughts.


"We're at Rossi's. Are you sure you're okay?" Spencer looks concerned as the words leave his mouth.

"I'm okay, Spence, really."

"If you say so," he says, but he doesn't look convinced.

"Hey," you say cupping his face in your hands, "let's just go have fun tonight, okay? Don't worry about me. It will all be fine in the end."

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