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Thank you guys for 1K reads! That's insane! I wasn't going to put another chapter out till Saturday, but I ended up finishing this one and saw we hit 1K reads, so here's a special treat :)) Enjoy!


Monday rolls around quicker than you would've liked.

Your alarm goes off and you quickly get ready, throwing on a white blouse and a black pencil skirt. The team hadn't been called onto a new case, so it was a paperwork day. All your paperwork was done, so you decided the best way to spend your time would be messing with Reid.

As he sat at his desk trying to focus on his work, you blew up his phone. You texted him memes, one liners, anything you could think of. You put your feet up on his desk as you talked with Morgan and JJ. You knew how to press his buttons and you loved it.

When he finally fell for your tricks and picked up his phone, he rolled his eyes and put it right back down.

"I know you did not just ignore my text," you texted.

"Stop being a tease."

"A tease? I'll show you a tease."

"Emily," you remarked, interrupting her conversation with Hotch, "do you need me to grab those files in the copy room for you?"

She nodded and thanked you and with that you stood up from your desk and went to grab them. You felt Spencer's eyes follow you through the door. You knew exactly what you were going to do to him and damn would it be good.

You walk back out with a stack of papers in your arms, placing one on everyone's desk before reaching the area where Spencer was. As you walk over, you let the paper fly out of your grasp and watch it land on the floor.

"Damn," you sigh as you turn around giving Spencer a good view of your back. You lean down to pick up the paper giving him a full view of your ass. You slink back up after grabbing the paper, making sure to accentuate all your movements, being as fluid and as sexy as possible.

You couldn't see him, but you knew Reid's eyes popped out of his head. You heard his breathing change pace and that was all the proof you needed. You had that man wrapped around your finger.

You lean over his desk making sure to push your cleavage together and whisper into his ear: "How's that for a tease?"

His cheeks go tomato red in a matter of seconds as his eyes drift down to your exposed collar bone and breasts before going back up to your face. You smile at him and sit back down to play a game of chess on your phone.

Checkmate, Dr. Reid. checkmate.

About 5 minutes later your phone buzzes.

"Dinner at my place. See you at 7."

And that's how you found yourself standing on Spencer's doorstep 9 hours later.

You were wearing a red, velvet, skin tight dress that cut off at your mid thigh and hugged your body, showing off your subtle curves. You knew it showed just enough cleavage to get a rise out of Reid without giving away too much. God, you loved teasing him.

Right as you were about to knock on the door, you heard a crash and some choice words coming from the one and only Dr. Reid. You giggled before pulling yourself back together and finally knocking on the door.

"Y/N!" Spencer said as he opened the door. He moved aside inviting you in. He had on black dress pants and a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up exposing his forearm. And of course, he completed the look with mismatched socks.

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