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Sorry for the long wait with this update!! Enjoy guys :)

"Happy Birthday!!" you scream as you jump on top of Spencer, who was sleeping peacefully.

He groans and pushes you off of him, turning back onto his stomach and placing his pillow over the back of his head.

"Nuh uh, not today, doctor. You only turn 29 once. It's your last twenties birthday."

"But I'll get so many more with you. I can just live them vicariously."

"Oh shut up. I'm already 26. I've only got 3 more."

You get up and grab his wrist in an attempt to pull him out of bed. An attempt that proves futile because Spencer just fights and pulls you back on top of him, locking your lips in a kiss.

"Oh I see that woke you up," you giggle.

"You always keep me up," he smirks back.

You hum in agreement as you stroke his messy hair out of his face.

"We're meeting the team for dinner tonight at 5."

"Oh goodie," Spencer says sarcastically.

"Oh shut up," you laugh as you throw an unrecognizable object at him from across the room, "What do you want to do for your special day?"

"Hmm..." Spencer says as he finally gets out of bed and slinks over to you.

He wraps his arms around your waist from behind and his hands start to trace your delicate skin underneath your shirt.

Your breath hitches in your throat and you throw your head back onto his shoulder, closing your eyes.

"I may have a few ideas," he finishes as he pulls you back into the bed.


Spencer pulls into a parking spot outside of the restaurant at exactly 5 and you can see the team waiting inside.

The two of you walk in to be greeted by warm hugs and JJ gives you a knowing look. You roll your eyes back at her, trying not to make a commotion.

The eight of you make your way to the back of the restaurants and are seated at their biggest table. Everyone places their presents and cards in the middle of the table. Spencer had told you not to get him anything. Well, actually he had said you were already his present, but they meant the same thing. Needless to say, you got him something anyways.

The night went on and the team told stories about Spencer starting from his first day at the BAU and going through every funny or small moment that had happened since.

There were countless toasts throughout the night and the few people who were drinking alcohol (Emily, mainly Emily) seemed to be getting a little tipsy.

After everyone had finished their food and the cake had been brought out, you decided now was a good time to open presents.

"Open mine last," you whisper to Spencer.

"Hey, I told you not to. You shouldn't have."

"I wanted to," you said as you placed a kiss on his cheek, "I had to."

"Whatever you say," he rolled his eyes as he placed a hand on your knee.

The first gift was wrapped in rainbow wrapping paper. Morgan and Garcia had gone in together on a gift. It was a new necktie. A very very nice necktie.

"Morgan wouldn't let me get the rainbow one so we compromised on rainbow paper instead," Penelope laughed.

Hotch, Emily, and JJ had all gotten Spencer different books. You thought about how he would probably go through them all tonight which made you let out a small laugh.

Rossi's gift was the penultimate and was just a simple card. He had gotten Spencer a gift card to the nicest restaurant in town and left a little note along with it: For Y/N and you. You've been through a lot this year. Use this wisely! - Rossi

After thanking everyone else, Spencer had just one gift left. Yours.

"Okay, Okay! Open mine," you said eagerly.

His present from you was in a small black bag accompanied by some silver tissue paper. There was no card, no hysterics, just the gift inside.

Spencer pulled the gift out and turned it to face him. His jaw dropped immediately and he looked at you in complete and utter disbelief.

It was a grey t-shirt with "Best Dad Ever" written on it.

"Are you for real?"

You smiled and nodded as everyone struggled to catch up. Everyone except JJ that is. After you had found out 2 weeks ago, JJ had been by your side every step of the way. She helped you gain the courage to awkwardly bring up the child conversation with Spencer, she had helped you schedule your first doctor's appointment without Spencer knowing, and she had even helped you pick out the shirt.

JJ was turning into your best friend. Despite all your flaws, she loved and appreciated you for who you were. She was a really great friend.

"I love you so much." Spencer said as he wrapped you in a big hug, still holding the gift.

"Let me see! Let me see!" Penelope said as she snatched the shirt out of Reid's hands. Her face filled with astonishment as she read the shirt out loud.

Everyone's faces lit up with glee and they all congratulated the two of you.

"My man!" Morgan said as he patted Spencer on the back, "I can't wait to see a little boy genius running around."

"Or a girl genius!" JJ threw in with a laugh.

"So..." Garcia started, "Does this mean marriage is on the table now?"

"I mean," you laughed as you looked at Spencer, "If this one can work up the courage to ask me, I guess I might say yes."

Everyone laughed and smiled.

You looked around the table to see all of your friends' faces filled with complete contentment and bliss.


That's how you and Spencer had started your journey together. Just friends.

Now he was the love of your life and you were pregnant with his baby.

And you wouldn't trade it for the world.

The End.


Wow. To be completely honest, I didn't think this would be the last chapter when I started writing tonight. It just kinda seemed like the right place to end it.

But don't worry! There is a final update coming sometime soon (an epilogue). 

Anyways, I just want to thank you guys for taking the time and reading this. It was my first ever time writing fan fiction and to think that there were 11.8 THOUSAND reads on my story is just insane! The response you guys had to this fic was over the moon as well. I am so so so glad you all enjoyed it.

I'm planning on writing another fic (not a part 2 to this book), here soon. It'll be another Spencer fic but involve a large age gap and a long distance relationship. Let me know if you guys would be interested and follow me on here and on tiktok (ssacryla) for updates!

Feel free to drop any questions you guys have about me, Just Friends, or the new fic here :)

I will see you guys soon with the epilogue. 

Until then, I love you all. Thank you again for all the support. Peace out.

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