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"wow.. uh there's a lot more people here than i expected." y/n mumbled.

"well he does have over 1 million subscribers.." ririka said, disappointed that y/n didn't know. "shouldn't you be more aware of your competition?"

"nah. i just play games for fun." y/n smiled to herself.

ririka rolled her eyes and pointed at the large group of girls formed in a circle.

"i think he's over there!"

"well, that would make sense-"

"y/n stop being a smart ass!"

"gee, sorry."

ririka grabbed y/n's hand and pulled her over to the group of girls. the noise only got louder the closer they were.

"i can't see." ririka whined. "put me on your shoulders!"

"ririka, that would be so fucking embarrassing. plus, you're taller than me." y/n gave the brunette a look.

"whatever. excuse me. excuse me. sorry! excuse me." ririka started to push herself and her sister through the crowd. once they got around the front, ririka widened her eyes.

"oh my god. y/n try and tell me that isn't the most attractive man you have seen in your life, holy shit." ririka turned and whispered to y/n.

in front of y/n and ririka was a shorter male who had dyed his hair blond many times and needed his roots redone. his hair was in a low ponytail with a few hairs falling in front of his face. there was also a taller man with messy black hair wearing a rather expensive suit. occasionally, he would try to flirt with some of the girls only for them to ignore him and focus their attention back on kenma.

"someone needs a root job." y/n said and ririka immediately shushed her.

"kenma, rail me!" a girl yelled out and y/n scrunched her nose in disgust.

"i think this is worse than my meet and greets." y/n mumbled.

kenma looked up from his phone and furrowed his eyebrows together.

"i want to cut my fucking ears off." was all he said.

y/n nudged her sister. "are you sure this is the right plac-"

"OH MY GOD! IS THAT-" the bedhead quickly shut his mouth and began to whisper to kenma.

"y/n, i think he's looking at you." ririka said.

y/n stopped counting the tiles on the floor and looked up. "who?"


"how am i supposed to know who that is?"

"well, i can't just point at him!"

"you had no problem pointing earlier!"

"that was different!"

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