Chapter 19

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I woke up stifling a yawn, I turned around and then I felt an arm tighten around my waist.My eyes shot open, I came face to face with a sleeping  Ethan.His arm was slung over my waist and my one leg over his hip.We were a mess, I looked down at my crumpled cocktail dress.Thank goodness, we did nothing.

Red wine+ Nova= disaster...usually.

I felt a bit hungover, I turned around to check what time it is but my phone wasn't anywhere near me. I sighed and turned back to face him, his long lashes framed his eyes, tousled blond hair and very visible shadow on his jaw made him look rugged.I still can't believe that I agreed to be more with Ethan, but I trusted him and for a strange reason when I'm around him it's like I want to kiss him and never stop.

I lifted my finger up and traced the outline of his jaw, he moved his head a little and I saw his eyes fluttering open. He gave me his lazy smile.

"Enjoying the view?"

"No, you just ruined it"He had a little pout on his face.He turned to his side.

"I'm already late, and so are you."Oh no, I have to open the shop and get things ready, Ethan saw my panic and shook his head.

"Luckily for you, I have a phone close by so you can call whoever it is to open the shop.Austin knows I come in when I want so it's no problem"He handed me his phone. I typed in Daisy's number and thankfully she answered.

"Where are you? I opened up the bakery already, I'm was worried. Lucas also thought you were abducted since you are never late."

"No, I'm fine I won't be in for at least an hour, please handle it till I get back." She agreed, but she didn't ask where I was.That's going to be weird to explain without her making up her own conclusion as to why I'm in a man's bed.

Ethan was staring at me, I must've looked like Godzilla on steroids –my hair was sticking out in every direction, I didn't remove my makeup so my skin looked blotchy and not to mention this wrinkled dress.

"What you staring at? Except for the blotchiness that became me." I looked at him and noticed all he was wearing was his dress pants, he must've taken off his jacket and shirt before bed.

"Well, you kind of look like Austin."

"Wow, that's what every girl wants to hear, I know we came from the same parents but sheesh-oh don't tell me you have a man crush on him?"

"Oh please, if I wanted a man crush, I don't swing that way, but if I did there are better-looking attorneys that work for us-as much as I want to continue this strange conversation, I need to get coffee and I'm starving so let me start with that." He wiggled his eyebrows and walked out of the room.

I went to the bathroom, I straightened out as much as I could my heels were missing, however.

I went downstairs, I could smell some bacon and on cue, my stomach growled. I walked towards the smell and found Ethan happily flipping bacon in a pan. Some old music playing in the background, this was like a scene out of some cliché chick flick but he was mostly dressed so not exactly.

Ethan felt I was looking at him, he turned to me.

"You should really stop drooling over me, I might be inclined to do something about it." I snorted loudly.

"Like what exactly?"He smirked, he came to me and in a flash, he picked me up-I'm not a featherweight, those muscles weren't just for show that's for sure.

"Put me down, or else..." I glared at him.

"Then you better stop staring at me."

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