Chapter 11

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I don't know why I came to Nova's apartment, but when I saw her this morning I just knew I had to see her. I had come up with an excuse on my way to her. I could offer to represent Austin when he goes to court (she didn't have a clue that I'd represent him anyways because he's one of my best friends and a name partner so the excuse my ingeniousness, not).

All my planning I'd done just so that I can talk to her flew out the window when I saw her. I couldn't help but kiss her. Every time I kissed her in Italy, I must admit that they were some of the best kisses I've had.

I didn't expect her to slap me but when her hand landed on my cheek I knew I shouldn't have kissed her in the first place. I'm sure her handprint was etched in my skin, from the burning sensation it was apparent she wasn't pleased with me.

She looked at her hand dazed and her cheeks tinted in pure anger.

"Why...did you kiss me? Our business is done! Finito." She hissed at me. Not the reaction I was expecting but then again, she wasn't expecting me to be there and kiss her. To be honest I have no idea on earth why I kissed her. It was a spur of the moment thing.

 I calculate and assess every situation before I act as any good lawyer would, and this time I just acted on a leap of faith. I had to think up an explanation quickly but all that came to mind was how I wanted to see her and talk to her again.

I missed her.

"I wanted to," Well, I could've said something worse. The bodyguard chuckled at my response, both of us forgot he was even there. I gave him a steely glare that would make any defendant run away. He stood up and mumbled 'I'll be right outside'.

"You wanted to? Well, it's not how it works. I remembered a man told me once that kissing is the act of lips touching in a very sensual way, preferably both partners  want to participate." She crossed her arms over her chest repeating the word I had said to her when I kissed her for the first time. I thought that would just be a stupid little kiss but something felt strange about it and now I know what...

"And I didn't want to participate," She bit her lip trying to regain her calm. If any other woman would've slapped me like that I'd be angry as hell, but I wasn't, I was just...okay with it-I deserved it.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"She changed the subject swiftly, her cheeks were cherry red but she hid it well.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm going to represent Austin, if he goes to trial and when we start with depositions but nothing formal has been launched, it's just hearsay."

"So how exactly do I fit into that statement?" She was a sharp girl I can tell you that. She should've become a lawyer and would've given me a run for my money. 

"I need to make sure you're willing to testify if they make contact with you. I need to make sure you're safe. Any contact from the other side is forbidden but I just want to warn you that before they contact you I can do nothing since they haven't yet launched a formal complaint. We heard about their plans through the grapevine, but if they act I can do a lot."

She rolled her eyes, "I would testify if they actually contact me and I'll let you know if do so I guess goodbye then."

"Goodbye Nova" Déjà vu hit me when I heard those words, the same she said to me at the airport. Derek stood outside he looked at my probably still red cheek and shook his head

"You need to try something better, maybe telling her that you like her." I guess it's apparent that I like her and she likes me, but somehow we were stuck. I shook my head walking to my car while I played with my keys. It was eerily dark outside since the streetlight was off. I was beginning to get paranoid, they weren't just after Austin. They wanted dirt on him so they could scheme revenge on him, Antonio Benici to be exact. Even his name sounded like he belonged to the Italian mob, he didn't belong to a mob but he knew some shady guys.

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