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The moment seemed so perfect

so sad it had to end.

the laughter that we shared,

left me with an almost 6-pack.

When you said you'd come over

I was afraid it'd end wrong

my fear was clearly unfounded

and it vanished without song.

You looked me in the eye and made me smile,

hang out with my friends and made them laugh

everybody I know now loves you too,

seems like you don't even know.

everything you say can light me up

like the night sky in the city

even if they make me hit you

because I will never admit it.

I will miss you

I will always miss you

you make my crazy look like it's the newest cool

and give me something to look forward to.

I will always look at you

like I always did,

because you make me feel like everything

is always gonna be alright.

I stared up at the night sky

the stars looked so bright

I was hiding what I was feeling

when it was time to say goodbye.

Laughed because it felt awkward,

trying to admit it to myself,

saying it seemed like ripping duct tape off my mouth

wait, maybe it was more painful.

Couldn't come to terms with It

till you looked me in the eye.

Told me that you'd miss me too

and that we would see each other again.

I'll be counting down

counting down

to that moment when I will see you again

Poetry by YnabWhere stories live. Discover now