Trust Issues

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They flirt too much
With me
With danger
With strangers...

They claim I am the only one
They flirt in their vulgar way
And I stare without a say
Wishing I'd censor everything they speak
Because they are worse than a heron's beak.

So I pretend I'm off to take a leak
And an hour later they discover at the peak
Of a conversation involving comparisons on body sizes
That I am walking the tarmac in shoes seven sizes
That of a baby.

Because I have trust issues.
They all lie
That they'd rather die
Than not be with me.
But we know how boys can be
They always think their false promises can sway me
But nothing is as unattractive
As a man who's mouth is destructive.

And who raises nothing but trust issues.
Nothing but trust issues.

Because they flirt too much
And can't keep their manhood in their pants
And as such
All they ever do is ruin everything by causing
Away from Laos.

All because of their flirting
And the trust issues.

Poetry by YnabWhere stories live. Discover now