Beautiful, Strong and Brave

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Author's Note: This has been written especially for women,and girls, in recognition of World Menstrual Health Day. I hope this will help you support this cause!

Thank you!


Pain is a woman's song.
Pain is a woman's shadow.
Pain plagues her very footsteps,
following doggedly,
yapping at her heels.

But woman she is,
rising above what this coward is.
It haunts her,
it tries to engulf her,
but its cowardice knows better.

A woman is beautiful,
even when she isn't appealing to- many a man's perception of beauty.
Because she is selfless.

Somehow, she carries the pain of the world,
and still looks remarkable.
She might be feeling like her back is broken,
or her tummy may feel like she is being stabbed repeatedly.
Her hips may feel paralyzed by pain,
but she wears a smile all the same.

She might not even have soap to clean up,
or water to rinse off.
She might not have a cushioning mechanism for that time of the month,
and may be shy to admit she needs helps,
she will always be brave.
she will always be strong.
she will always be beautiful.

Right now, she pretends like she's okay,
but she needs help.

As a woman, I feel her pain too,
girl, lady, mother...
However, she needs your help too.
Male or not.
And though she says nothing about how it feels,
though she gets moody and yells at you,
understand that it's just a hormonal cycle,
and she needs support.

So open up your minds,
read through the lines,
and make her more beautiful, much stronger and much braver.

For in the face of danger,
a woman will save you.

She is the one who birthed you.
She is the reason you are alive.

And we need her around for much longer than we care to ignore.


Poetry by YnabWhere stories live. Discover now