Sing To Me

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What if...

I can't stop thinking,
that if I said the answer you- wanted-
we'd be all cute...
and happy...
and together.

What if runs through my mind,
and I realize I kept nothing,
in case I needed to remember you, when you were gone.
And now you're gone.
And I know that I might never let go...
because I sent you away without listening.

I still can't sleep.
I'm lying on my side waiting...
waiting for you.
in case you change your mind...

why won't you change your mind?
I know I hurt your ego,
and now I can feel the burns of the scorch I left on you.
you never gave me a second chance.
I never wanted you to go.
I needed you to stay.

I wanted you to stay.

There are so many things we could have done...
I would have spoken to you a lot more.
Now I realize that I should never have erased that work of art,
because deleting things that remind me of you,
doesn't eradicate my thoughts of you.

You are probably playing the guitar now,
to the pretty girl you had the biggest crush on.
she is probably asking herself how she ever let you go.
Your voice claims her every thought...
she is breathless in your wake.

She can hold you to her,
she can kiss you,
she can whisper in your ear...

All because I let you go.

You can sing to her...
play to her...
laugh with her...

All because I let you go.

I wonder if you still look up to your ceiling at night,
wondering if you made the right decision.
I stare up at my ceiling every night
wondering to myself,
how I could ever forget how you made me feel...

But now I can't tell you that,
because I can't even remember the letters that follow...
'S' on your name.
I could call you Superman,
or nightingale,
or Someone that I used to know...

But I won't.
Because that will spoil the mystery you accompany.
the smile I get when I think of you will vanish.
The giddiness I get will wane.

I'll call you Singer instead,
and ask you to strum that guitar,
stare up at your ceiling
and sing to me...


Sing to me tonight.
Because yesterday is past,
and tomorrow is too far.

Sing to me,
I want you to sing to me.
tell me exactly how you feel.

close your eyes and sing to me.
i'll be there if you need me.
I'll wipe your tears ,
and whisper in your ear,
if only,
you can...

sing to me.

Poetry by YnabWhere stories live. Discover now