Untitled Part 35

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ten days

I where still sitting beside Kyle in science but we didn't talk that much to each other, he probably realized how boring I where. I watched as Mr. Wilson handed out papers to everyone.

"This is the assignment you guys need to do" He said and a few people in the class "It's a project". Kyle didn't say much to me so it would be great to have him as a partner, note the sarcasm. 

After Mr. Wilson had handed out the papers and walked up to his desk, the students immediately started to chat with each other. I looked over to Kyle to see him read the assignment he just got handed out. It's been almost two weeks since I've had an almost proper conversation, aka at the party where I first met Ace, and it wasn't even a full on normal conversation. 

"And" I looked over to Mr. Wilson to see him looking at something at his computer "I have decided who your partners are". This made him earn another groan from the class. "Jaxon and Estelle, Thomas and Flora, Mia and Kyle, Cedric and Kassidy" Mr. Wilson read out from his computer "And Mason and Naomi,..." He continued to talk but I zoned out and looked over to Cedric.

I gave him a small smile as he stood up from his chair and walked towards me. I looked away from him and looked at Kyle who stood up from his chair. I looked up at him while giving him a small smile. He stopped in his tracks and stared down at me, then he gave me a confused look while studying my face before he gave me a small smile back. 

"We're not even close to finishing this" I said and groaned while I looked at Cedric's computer.

"We would have if you didn't spend so much time on your phone" He pointed out and I mumbled a "sorry"

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?" He asked and I looked over at him and shook my head.

"No. Why?".

"You can come over if you want" He said and shrugged his shoulders "We can finish the project".

"Yeah sure" I said and started to pack my bag pack "I'll just meet you in the parking lot when school ends tomorrow then" I said and gave him a smile before looking back at my bag pack to continue stuffing it with my belongings. 

"Guess who I'm science partners with" I said too Peaches when I sat down at the cafeteria table, giving her a smug smile "Cedric".

"Unfair" She said and gave me a glare.

"Have you talked to him yet?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Nope" She said, popping the p.

"And that's good" Medina said "I'm not shipping you and him".

"Oh come on" Peaches says, defending herself "Cookie doesn't even like him".

"So? I'm thinking about that poor boy" Medina said explaining "The moment he takes you out you will lose feelings for him" She pointed out, adding pressure to the word "will".

Peaches rolled her eyes at her but gave her a smile shortly after.

"Aren't you sitting with Kyle in science?" Medina asked and Peaches eyes lit up.

"Yeah how is that going? It seemed like he had a thing for you" Peaches said and smiled at me.

"Yeah till he asked you out" I said and rolled my eyes at her.

"I ship that" Peaches said and pointed her fork with fries on towards me and Kyle sitting at another table not that far form us, she looked over at Medina.

"I'm not going for your leftovers" I said and started to eat some of my fries. 

"I wouldn't call him that" She said, putting emphasis to "that"  "He told me the only reason he asked me out was that he took the "hint" " She said and made a gesture with her hand "That I liked him".

I looked at her weirdly "Yes, and?" I asked and looked at her odd "Isn't that the point?".

"No you don't get it" She said "See I think that he likes you but he found out that I liked him and that I'm your friend, so that you wouldn't like him back so he just went for what he could get".

"Not like there's anything to get" Medina said mumbling lowly but Peaches and I heard that. Peaches gave her a glare while I just let out a chuckle.

"Anyways" Peaches said "I think you should go for him".

"Oh honey no" Medina said jumping in "She's only saying that because she wants Cedric".

"Maybe" Peaches said and gave me a smirk.

"See" Peaches said as I stood at the end of the field, surrounded by the rest of the cheerleading girls talking "He's even looking at you know".

I turn around quickly to see Kyle standing a few meters behind me. He was surrounded by his teammates in the middle of the field. He was talking to Cedric but he had his eyes on me. I turned back around and looked over at Peaches.

"I haven't had a normal conversation with him in like two weeks, he doesn't even talk to me in science".

"Maybe he's shy" She said and shrugged her shoulders. 

"Guess who's coming over" Medina said, whispering as she walked up to me and Peaches while nodding her head slightly at something behind me.

My eyes widened and I quickly gave her a look when I heard his voice.

"Hey" I turned around to see Cedric talking to me.

"Hey" I said and gave him a confused look but also a smile.

"I forgot I had practice tomorrow, when's the project due?".

"Monday in two weeks, but I want it to be done before next Friday" I said and he nodded with his head.

"How about you come over next week?".

"I'm free on Tuesday" I said and he gave me a smile.

"Same" He said and then his eyes flashed with remembering "Hey, you're coming to the party this Friday right?". I gave him a confused look and were about to open my mouth and say something but someone interrupted me.

"Yes, she's coming" Medina said and put her arm around my shoulders "It's at Gigi's right?".

Cedric nodded his head at Medina and gave me a smile. A guy from his team, Noah, put his hand on Cedric's shoulder and turned him around. Cedric turned back around to give me a small glance before he walked with the rest of his teammates towards their locker. I had my eyes on Cedric's back as he walked away. My eyes slowly drifted away and landed on a pair of hazel ones. He walked past me while holding the eye contact for a small second before he broke it. I ended up watching him walk away.

"You have to choose one of them" Medina said and I turned around to look at her with a confused face.

"Please choose Kyle" Peaches said and I realized what they were talking about.

"Ha ha" I said dryly at both of them. 

"Cookie" Medina said and I landed my eyes on her "They're good friends, you have to pick one".

"Yeah it can't be that hard to choose Kyle" Peaches said jokingly but got a bit more serious "I don't really care if you choose Cedric, okay. He's hot and all but I can just go for someone else" She explained and put her hands up in the air.

"See" Medina said and raised her eye brow at me "Go for Cedric".

But I did.Where stories live. Discover now