Untitled Part 23

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"No refunds" I said to the old lady in front of me with a sweet smile on my face.

"I wanted the other one" She said in a quite a cute voice but I just simply ignored her request and shrugged with my shoulders. She where holding a piece of the burnt brownie and took a taste of it before giving it a disgusted look. She looked up and gave me a weird glance before throwing it away in the bin next to the booth. She where about to walk away but I stopped her.

"Here" I said and handed her the good brownies, while giving her a sweet smile "On the house". She just took it and gave me a glare before walking away.

"You should stop trying to feed people that" Jenna said as she laughed at me "This is the fifth time you've tried. They all ended up throwing it away".

I groaned before I answered her "Two hundred dollars down da hill" I said before letting out a chuckle.

I gave Jenna a glare as she grabbed the plate of the burnt brownie and threw it in the trash can next to the booth.

"Two brownies please" I looked up to see one of the girls from Sugar Hill, Hailey.

"And one of those cupcakes" Rebecca said, standing next to Hailey. I took the money that Rebecca handed out to me while she grabbed a cupcake.

"Thanks" They both said as Jenna handed Hailey her brownies.

"I should have waited a second before I threw away those brownies" Jenna mumbled to me as we both watched them walk away. I watched as another girl approached them, she had long blonde hair and I knew immediately who it was. She took one of the brownies Rebecca handed out to her and started to eat it.

"Havanna" I heard a boy yell out, I turned around to look at him walk towards her and then put his arm around her shoulder. She immediately  started to laugh at something he said. I watched as Ace turned around and started to walk, closer to my both while still having his arm around her shoulder. 

"He's adorable" I looked over to Jenna to see her looking at me while nodding her head towards a little small boy walking towards us.

"One cupcake".

I where looking at the little boy walking away while eating his cupcake, not daring to look up at the new costumer now standing in front of me. I looked away from the boy and over to my right to see Jenna handing a cupcake towards the costumer standing in front of me.

"Can we talk?" I snapped my eyes up and gave a blank face to the person in front of me, it was almost a glare. His pretty blue eyes widened a bit before he went back to his blank stare, matching mine.

"I'm working" I said trying to sound unbothered while breaking the eye contact. I looked behind him to see Havanna standing a few meters behind him, looking at us while Rebecca and Hailey were tapping on their phones.

"When are you off?" I looked back over to him and sighed before I answered.

"One hour" I watched as he gave me a short nod and turned around. He walked towards Havanna and I could see her get a huge smile on her face. They started to disappear in to the crowd as they where walking away. I were left staring at his back until he disappeared with a confused look on my face.

"You're off in twenty minutes by the way" Jenna said while tapping at her phone.

"I know" I said which made Jenna look up from her phone with a confused look before she started to laugh.

(18.32) Me: where are you?

(18.38) Medina: where they sell caramelized popcorn

(18.38) Medina: it's the closest booth to the entry

I put my phone in to the back pocket of my jeans as I continued to try and walk through the crowd towards Medina when someone grabbed my arm and spun me around. 

"Hey" I said as I looked in to a pair of light, green eyes.

"Hey" He said, still holding my wrist while giving me a smile "How did the sale go?".

"Terrible" I said groaning and then continuing "The brownies we made ended up getting thrown away" I added and gave him a smile back.

"No way, you actually tried to sell them?" Damon asked while chuckling "I won't be surprised if someone dies from food poising today".

I laugend with him while hitting him slightly in the chest with the hand he where holding my wrist with.

"I need to go and find Medina" I said and gave Damon a smile before I turned around and started to walk off. He did actually open his mouth and try to say something but he didn't get the chance because I turned around too quickly for him to start talking. 

(18.41) Me: you're not here

I typed in a message as I reached the caramelized popcorn booth and didn't see Medina.

(18.42) Medina: oh sorry, I'm at the cotton candy booth now

(18.42) Medina: it's just a few booths down from the popcorn one

I looked around the place and spotted the cotton candy booth a few meters away from me. I looked after Medina and noticed she where walking towards me. 

"Want some?" She asked, her mouth full of caramelized popcorn. I nodded my head and let out a laugh when I saw her holding two sticks of cotton candy and handing me one of them.

"Can we sit down on the bench?" She asked and nodded her head towards a white bench in the school yard a few meters away from us "My legs are tired".

We walked towards the white bench and sat down. I looked around and watched as kids where running all over the place while their parents tried to run after them, I watched as multiple teens walked by with their friends and a few elderly people walking with their grandchildren as they were munching on some cotton candy.

"How's your plan doing?" I turned around to see Medina talking to me. She had started to swing her feet under the bench as she ate the rest of her caramelized popcorn. 

"Fine" I said and shrugged with my shoulders as I took a bite of the cotton candy Medina gave me. "They'll probably take mom in soon" I added and looked back to study the people walking by "So I will be leaving shortly after that". 

"You know I will miss you, right?" She asked an I turned my head back to look at her again, she had a small smile on her face "You sure you don't want to stay?".

"I'm sure" I said, nodding with my head as I gave her a smile back "I just think it's better if I just leave everything behind, it's a bit too much".

"I understand" Medina said before she continued "But I do want you to stay tho".

"You can come with me" I said and gave her a big smile while taking her hand in mine "My aunt will love you, and it would be so much easier for both of us".

"I know it would" Medina said as she slowly took her hands out of my hold and looked down at her hands in her lap, starting to fiddle with them.

"Come on" I said as I stood up and reached out my hand for her to take. "Your shift starts soon" I continued as I smiled down at her.

But I did.Where stories live. Discover now