Untitled Part 10

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"Come over to my place".

I slightly pushed him away and chuckled a bit.

"You wish" I said, a smile forming on my lips.

I looked behind him, breaking the eye contact, and tried to walk a step backwards but he grabbed my arm and held me still. My smile slowly faded away from my face.

"I do" He said, his voice was deep, and his eyes was locked with mine. His eyes flashed with something but then they went back to normal. I rolled my eyes at him and he gave me a smirk. 

"Oh yeah" Ace said chuckling a bit when he saw me roll my eyes "Keep rolling those eyes, maybe you'll find your brain back there" He said and gave me a small smirk. "And how are you supposed to get home huh?" He asked and raised an eyebrow at me.

I quickly got a scowl on my face. I realized that I didn't know the way home by foot, and he probably didn't have any intentions to help me with that either.

"Is it far away?" I asked while walking slowly past him and towards a street.

"Not that way" I heard him say and I turned around. I watched as his back just continued to walk without waiting for me, I started to jog slowly to get to him.

"This is where you live?" I asked and looked up at him with one raised eyebrow. He just looked down at me with a blank face and shrugged with his shoulders. He brought up a key from his right front pocket of his jeans and started to walk towards the door.

To say the house was big was a huge misunderstanding. Okay so it wasn't like big big, like mansion big; but it was probably third the size bigger than mine. It looked pretty gorgeous and had a lot of huge windows. The house was those typical fancy new modern white houses with huge windows that were dark and almost not see trough.

I watched as he unlocked the big white door with windows and lights around it. As he opened the door I quickly went in and scanned the room.  It was a huge room with black walls and long white lights on the roof. A bit further was a pair of stairs leading up to the second floor. 

"Do you live alone?" I asked as I walked behind him, up the stairs. I watched as he slightly shook his head in a no sign, not turning around to look at me. I followed after him and noticed we where now in a huge living room. The walls were dark as well here in the second floor. The living room consisted of two huge grey couches, a table and a tv. I looked to my right and spotted a kitchen.

The kitchen was decorated in dark colors as well, making me immediately believe that the rest of the house was probably dark as well. I walked after him and saw him walking towards the fridge in the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" Ace asked and opened the fridge, or I assume the freezer; considering I saw a few pints of ice cream.  

"No" I said and looked around. The kitchen was huge with black walls and dim lights that made it look cozy and modern, this could be directly out of a magazine. If you know what I mean.

"Here" I snapped back to look at him handing me a pint of ice cream. 

"I'm not hungry" I said and refused to take the pin of ice cream he was handing out for me. 

I watched as he gave me a blank look and harshly threw it on the kitchen table right behind me, making me jump a little. He opened the freezer again and took out another pint of ice cream. He then closed the freezer, and went to grab some spoons in the cupboard. I looked at him when he grabbed two spoons, pulled out a chair on the kitchen table and sat down. He looked at me with a blank face and motioned with his hand for me to sit down in the chair in front of him. I pulled the chair out from the table and sat down.

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