Untitled Part 2

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"Watch it bitch"

I looked up to the person talking and looked directly into a pair of light hazel eyes. 

"What did you just call me?" I asked and raised one of my eyebrows at him. The boy I collided in to were about 6'2 and towered easily over my 5'5 self. He had light brown hair, tanned skin and a pair of light hazel brown eyes that shined. I also knew that he had a killer smile that every girl would fall for. But not me, nah ah, I don't fall for that. I mean I do, but I just wont admit that. He gave me a smirk and I just let out a sigh, realizing I've been caught staring. I bent down and picked up all of my six school books. 

"I don't have time for this" I mumbled as I got up again. I walked past him but not before bumping my shoulder hard in to his right one.

I walked over to my locker and opened it harshly. I pushed the books quickly in the locker and closed it. I locked the locker and looked down at my clock on my left wrist.

"Great, I'll be twenty minutes late" I said mumbling to myself as I walked irritated towards my class.

When I walked in to my class I gave the teacher a small apologetic smile, considering I was very late. I scanned the room quickly and noticed that there where only two available seats in the back of the class at the furthest to the left side. I walked over to the seat and slumped down in one of the chairs. I opened my notebook and started to write down notes of what the teacher were saying. Gosh, how I hate science.

I jerked my head up from my notebook when I heard the door open. I watched as the same boy I bumped in to a few minutes a go walked in to the class. Of course he just had to have this class. 

"You're late Mr. Medrano" The teacher said but the boy didn't seem to bother to answer. 

He spotted me watching him and gave me a smirk. He walked towards me and my eyes widened when I realized the only available seat was next to me. I looked away from him and heard that he took a seat down next to me. The teacher started to talk again when the boy next to me suddenly started to poke me in my left shoulder. I chose to ignore it but he kept on going. I looked at him from my side glance to see him looking at me. I turned around to face him with a frown on my face.

"Yes?" I asked, sounding a bit bothered and irritated. I pushed his hand away from me and he gave me a smile.

"Do you have a pen?" He asked and I shook my head slowly, knowing damn well I do have extra pens. I turn around to face the teacher, but I can still feel him looking at me. I look back at him with a small glare but realizes that he is now looking at something on my desk. I look down to my desk and sees my pencil case open, revealing multiple of pens. I grab one of the pens in my pencil case and place it on his desk without looking at him. I hear him mumble a small "Thanks". 

He didn't say anything to me the rest of the class, and when the bell rang I tried to hurry out of the classroom but someone grabbed my arm. I turned around and raised one of my eyebrows at him, once again. I glanced at his hand that was still holding my arm and then up to him.

"Your pen" He says after he quickly lets go of my arm, handing me my pen.

"Oh thanks" I said and broke eye contact with him to grab the pen away from him. I looked up at him and gave him a small smile before I turned around and walked quickly out of the room, not wanting to be left alone with him. 

Math class went over in a hurry and I find myself walking alone in the corridors, texting on my phone and bumping into a few people.

(10.35) Me: where are you

(10.35) Peaches: cafeteria

(10.36) Peaches: you'll see us when you walk in

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