Chapter Twenty-Seven~Lady Bon Bon

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"Wrex I have ta warn ye, da Bone Esper  prefers ta be addresed as.... Lady Bon-Bon....Don't look at me like dat!  I know its an odd name for a being..of such high legend and da like....." said Red as he stood before a massive doorway.  Wrex and Red had made there way through the long hallway in a tense silence.

Wrex shivered, to him  everything about this place felt wrong, his computer part of his brain had been showing him error messages the whole time, meaning this place did not, could not exsits.... yet here they stood!   Yet the organic part of his brain knew that somehow this was real....

Wrex nodded with acknowlegdement towards Red,  a rather complex expression on his face. (Lady Bon-Bon... is that not earthling language for some sort of treat..?) Wrex curiously thought.

Red  grinned at his friends reaction to the name, "Ya,  I figures you would recongize da language! Lady Bon-Bon has always been fascianted by da human may as well be a forgotten one now...the poor bastereds never knew what hit ' entire Young Race wiped out in an instance...anyways...are ye ready?"

Wrex nodded, the news of the destruction of earth had been broadcasted throughtout the Known Universe, they had gotten the shocking message just before they had chosen Admora as there destintion, both of them had been shocked and horrified so much they avoided the topic entirely.

Wrex looked at his crazy friend, Red gave a quick glance at Wrex as he faced the massive door.

"Lady Bon-Bon! Ye know it be me...and meh crew! I be needen' yar help for a grave matter!" he yelled out to the massive door.

There was a minute of silence and then the door glowed, with a thud they burst open ,  suddenly a  female voice that sounded like tinkaling crystals echoed in there minds.

"My hubby-wobby has come home!"

Wrex's jaw fell open, Red looked sheepishly at Wrex " I guess I should have mentioned dis before....S-shes also my wife"

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