23 Breakeven

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Katie's POV

So we finally arrived in Amsterdam... I was so tired after all the travelling we had been doing so I took some time to get some sleep while the guys were out rehearsing... When I woke up, it was obvious they were on a break because I heard Danny cursing in the living area...

"What's up?" I really made him jump, I mean like, he almost hit me... It made me laugh though!

"Fucking hell don't do that!" He said angrily

"Sorry, I thought you'd heard me... Is everything alright?" Just as I said this Jess came walking in as if she knew Dan was about to tell me what was up...

"Heyyyyy sweetheart!" He gave her a hug and a kiss but I could tell by the look on her face she knew something was up

"What's going on, you seem a bit on edge" she said and he looked at me...

"He's just had looooaaaaddss of coffee... Kinda too awake!" I said and she nodded then left... "You owe me one!"

"Thank you so much, you're the best sister ever!!" He was just about to go back to rehearsing but I stopped him

"You're not gunna tell me what's wrong then?" He sighed...

"I think I have a stalker"

"Normal people have at least one stalker... You must have millions!"I laughed

"But not everyone has their ex stalking them... "


"Noooooooo" he said sarcastically

"Alright, I'm trying to help you here... Keep your quiff in one piece!  Its not like I know how many people you've been out with!"

"Sorry... She's coming to the gig tonight, backstage pass and everything... What am I gonna do?!" He sunk down into the sofa (it was one luxury tour bus!) and put his head in his hands

"Tell Jess, before it gets too out of hand"

"What if she gets the wrong idea"

"Just tell her the truth Dan... She'll believe you... If you don't do it now and she finds out then your relationship with her is gunna be over... You need to tell her!"

"Next time I see her!"

"Promise?! You owe me for lying to my best friend, remember that"

"Promise... Thanks Katie... I'm glad I feel like I can tell you anything"

"Right back atcha Danny boy... Anyway, I'm gunna go hang out with Jess for a bit..."

"Ok, make sure you come to reversals in about an hour... We kinda need an audience!"

"Will do... See ye later!"

"Love you"

"Love you too... Bye!" I left and went to sit with Jess...

Jess's POV

Danny seemed really jumpy... I couldn't help bit think there was something going more going on, it was so obvious Katie was lying... Whatever it was, I was gonna find out! I was sat round the back of the tour bus when Katie came over to sit with me...

... Do I ask her about Danny?? Maybe she was telling the truth...

"Heyy"she said


"Yep, you"

"Yeah, just thinking about the gig tonight, don't think I'm ready... Y'know timings and stuff"

"Do it on the night!" I laughed at her Shaun of the dead reference

"I might go to rehearsals... You coming?"

"Dan says we don't have to be there for another hour!"

...Hmmm... Is there something they don't want me to see before then... No, I'm just being paranoid!...

"He won't mind if I go early" I got up to go and she got up with me

"Wait, I'll come..."

As we entered the venue, we could hear the guys singing... It was still so surreal being part of the crew rather than the audience... Its weird to think the first script gig we went to, we were being paid!! As we walked down the corridor the music stopped and we saw a shadow of Danny go in to his dressing room... I opened the door, stood next to Katie...

"Heyy Dan" as the door opened I saw her... He was mid kiss with Irma!

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