28 The 5th degree of separation

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Jess's POV

We were out in town having a hot chocolate and a muffin in Nero's... Katie was smiling to herself...

"What the fuck you smiling at?"I laughed

"Nothing... Just in a really good mood... "

"Fair enough... You spoken to Freddie? I facebooked him yesterday and he didn't reply... " She was worried but it was obvious she was trying to hide it...

"He's fine..." I looked over at the door... Danny came in with that girl from earlier, Katie grabbed his arm before he even noticed we were here...

"What the fu- " his date looked over "sorry... Thought you were some sort of crazy fan... "

"I am let's face it" she grabbed his collar and pulled him down to face level so she could talk to him without her listening "do you like her?"

"You don't beat around the bush do you" she went to say something inappropriate "don't even think about it!! I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment... You know that" my heart sank...

"Fair enough... Just make sure she knows that... I don't want to see you get hurt or anything..." That came right from the heart... She usually just thinks these things but won't actually say anything

"You're so sweet sometimes! I'll see you later... Cardiff tomorro!!" He gave her half a hug a kiss on the cheek... He looked up and smiled at me, but I was close to tears...

"You ok?" Katie asked sympathetically

"I thought I was... But seeing him out with someone else just got to me" she tried to hold back a smile "why are you smiling?"

"Tomorrow, you're gunna realise what you're going through! You gotta meet someone new today though!"

"What are you on?? Don't you think people will think I'm doing all these things out of desperation?!" Katie laughed again

"You don't even realise what you're saying! Just meet a new guy... Just today... Its one step closer to the end"

"End of what?"

"You'll realise tomorrow... Trust me!"

"How the fuck am I gonna meet a new guy in one day?!"

"Next person you think is hot that walks through the door... Tell me... And I'll sort it... You don't have to date him or anything... Just talk!!"As of he heard us talking, a tall, dark haired man... About 22 walked in... Katie immediately got up and stood in the queue in front of him... She got some more hot chocolates and walked straight into him, spilling them on his shirt...  She obviously had a weird plan!

"Oh my god, I'm so so sorry... Let me buy your coffee!" She said feeling around her pockets for money...

"Its fine, really"he smiled and glanced over at me

"No no no, I insist!... Bollocks! Jess can I borrow a fiver?!!"

"Its fine... Honestly..." He said to me "if I can sit with you two, I'm sure that will make up for it?" I nodded and Katie sat down... She was away with the fairies for half the time me and Will were talking... I glanced over at her staring at Danny until he looked back... They exchanged odd looks and mimed some stuff I couldn't make out...

"Katie?" I said, stopping Will mid sentence

"I gotta go..." She downed her last bit of hot chocolate "enjoy the rest of your drinks you two!" She raised her eyebrows and put on her coat... I couldn't help but notice she whispered something to Danny before she left... What the hell was she up to?!

"Jess?" Will snapped me back into reality

"Yeah? Sorry... I was somewhere else..." My eyes were drawn to Danny again... Laughing with his 'friend'...

...C'mon Jess, pull yourself together... You don't still love Danny... Besides... He obviously likes this new girl!... But what was Katie going on about earlier... Does she know something I don't?!... Danny's not actually seeing this girl is he?!...

"I'm gunna head off now Jess... Here's my number, maybe give me a ring sometime?" He slipped a piece of paper into my hand and I smiled... Danny looked over and we gained awkward eye contact... I looked back and Will had left...

A/N: so a gig is coming up... And so is the 6th degree of separation... Hope you're all enjoying... Comment what ye think :-)

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