14 Exit wounds

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Danny's POV

So we were outside Katie and Jess's... I'm not gunna lie, after the lunch in the face earlier... I was nervous! But I was there to support Katie, and she seemed to know what she was doing so went in first... Her 'dad's' face lit up when he saw her but as soon his eyes fixed on me he was up and heading towards me... Katie stood in front of me, she knew he wouldn't hurt her... She was a smart kid, I trusted her with my life...

"STOP! I swear if you touch a hair on his head I'll call the police... And I have plenty of witnesses so you wouldn't stand a chance in court now sit down and shut up!" She remained calm when she said all this... She was one brave girl! I was still shitting bricks! "I don't get you dad" she continued once he had sat down and held my hand behind her back, Jess stayed close to both of us...

"What you talking about?" He said, considerably calmer than when I had seen him earlier...

"You could have hit him just then... But you'd have had to hit me first... You seem to think not hitting me makes you a good person but that's bullshit! You still hit him earlier, that's as good as, if not worse than hitting me because of the effects it has on other people: me, it emotionally hurts me to see him in pain and to even think that YOU could do something like that... Jess,it hurts her to see both of us hurting... his family, they're gunna be hurt to see him with a face like that... his friends... His fans... You basically punched all of us in the face because it all effects us in the long run! And it was absolutely pointless hitting him anyway... All it did was make him tell me!" Her little speech had really got to him... In fairness, everyone in the room could relate to what she said... We all do stupid things without thinking about who else it effects...

"I'm sorry" he said

"Good! Did you hit him because you thought me finding out I'm adopted would make me hate you?" He nodded "well then I'm sorry for giving you the impression that I was that kind of person... I don't hate you dad, frankly I don't really give a shit that I'm adopted, YOU still brought me up, fed me, taught me, made me the person I am now... I'm not just gunna ditch you because I'm not your blood child, you brought me up like your own and that's good enough for me! But I'm not gunna ditch the O'donoghue's either... That's where my genes are and they did such a nice thing for you and mum by letting you have me... Nothing and nobody is gunna change who I am so get over it! So what, I know... Its definitely not the end of my world so why let it be the end of yours? So I've got two families, big deal! But that still makes the O'donoghue's part of your family too... Because they're a part of mine and I'm a part of yours... " He stood up and walked over to me, putting his hand out...

"I'm so sorry Danny... She must be the smartest kid I know, she talks more sense than me... So she deserves to see us to get along..." I shook his hand and smiled

"And I'm sorry for being a twat... " I was sorry for something, I knew that, but Katie's speech distracted me so I didn't really know what to say... It had been one hell of a day! "We're going on tour tomorrow so if you wanna come to our pre-tour party, that'd be cool... "

"I'm alright actually, already got ferry tickets... See you soon everyone... I'm sorry for the mess I've caused" he walked towards the door

"Dad" Katie said and he turned "see you when we're on the uk tour... And I'll see you at christmas" he smiled, nodded and continued to leave...

A/N: yeah, that was quite short bit I'll update soon... Well what's the next bit of drama gunna be... Promises and pacts may be broken!

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