26 the 3rd degree of separation

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Danny's POV

I woke up in darkness... All the joints, all the muscles in my body were tight and painful...

... What the hell did I do last night?!... I must be outside somewhere, its cold and I can hear the busy Manchester traffic close by... Manchester?! Am even in Manchester... I've seen hangover, I know where these things lead!...If I am in Manchester, I shouldn't even be here... I should be in London... Wednesday = London... Is it even Wednesday?!...

I tried to get up, but didn't succeed... It felt like all my bones were broken or something... I could hear two familiar voices come towards me...

"Holy shit!" One of them said laughing... It was Mark

"Don't bloody laugh at him!! He could be dead!" Katie said

... Am I dead?...

"He's Danny O'donoghue... He survives everything!" My head was pounding... Literally every syllable they were saying was like screaming in my ear...

"Point taken..." Katie said... I could feel a hand on my back... Bare skin... closely joined by another...  "Should we call an ambulance?" I tried to say something but no words came out...

... Holy shit! I am dead! And possibly naked... What a dignifying end...

"Help me roll him over first" Mark said and the both turned me over, being careful not to move my arms... They both started hysterically laughing...

... What the fuck guys?! My tragic end isn't that funny!!! Maybe this was hell... No wait, if this was hell, Jess would be here shouting rejection...

"You look good Dan..." Katie laughed

"This is so going on twitter!!" Mark said smugly...

... How can they fit my tragic death that they find so funny into 140 characters?!...

"One step ahead of ye!" Katie said

... And there me thinking my little sister would be the sympathetic one... I hope you're not reading my eulogy...

"Haha... Maybe we should call a doctor... I don't think savlon is gunna work..." Mark said

"Haha, I think we'll need a funeral director for this one!!"

... What the fuck... Holy shit! I can see a light!!! Am I going to heaven...

"Heyy Dan, welcome to the real world" Marks familiar accent said... I saw a hazy man with a beard stood over me... But I couldn't put two and two together... I gave my second attempt to speak, surely before Jesus himself I could put some words together!

"Mark... Are you Jesus?" I managed to say

"I like to think I am... But you're not dead... You didn't exactly make it on to the tour bus last night- "

... Holy shit! I've been abducted by aliens who have taken the form of people I know...

"-you fell asleep in an ants nest... You might have been bitten once or twice... "

... Is that a sick alien euphemism for being proved?!...

"What?!" I said

"You're covered in ant bites... You literally have ants in your pants!" Katie said

"Thank god I'm wearing trousers!"

"I agree... That could have been quite disturbing if you weren't... " Mark laughed... But it wasn't funny... I was in this mess because of how broken my world was without Jess... Nothing I could do would fix it, all the drink in the world doesn't numb that pain...

Jess's POV

I woke up to the sound of Mark and Katie laughing... I hated even hearing them laugh... It sounds selfish, but I just wished someone else would feel the same amount of pain... No one understood... And now because I had been such a bitch, I didn't even have Katie to talk to... I didn't blame her for picking Danny... I shouldn't have made her choose in the first place... But hearing all them being happy... It was like living in hell... I walked out to see what all the fuss was about, I could see them stood outside of the tour bus laughing at the floor... Weird huh?! When I walked out, they both went silent... I looked down to see a half-naked Danny, covered in some sort of rash... I laughed, at least he was feeling the equivalent in physical pain!

"What the hell happened to him?!" I asked Katie... Suppose I was trying to keep the peace between us... I knew she was the only one who would at least try to cheer me up...

"The idiot got so drunk he thought an ants nest was the tour bus... There's a pic on twitter and the full video on facebook!" She laughed... We didn't speak of our little fallout... We just sorta got back to normal...

"Well that's my day made... Bit of a dream to see Danny being eaten alive by ants!" Katie laughed but Danny gave her a bit of a death glare...

"Don't kill the ants in your pants Dan... It was funny!"

"Haha, don't kill the ants in your pants... That was too funny, I swear you are like the queen of insulting Dan!" Mark added

"What are sisters for!!" Katie got back onto the tour bus and started making some breakfast "want some Jess?"

"I'm not hungry... " I said... Now that pain was rising again "Katie?"


"How the hell am I gonna fix myself after this?"

"Well, you're gunna think that you've fixed yourself pretty soon... I bet you feel like your world's split down the middle at the moment..."

"What the fuck are you on about...??"

"Just think about it... Think about what exactly it is you're going through... "

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