21 Rusty halo

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Jess's POV

Everything was going well with Danny... Gig after gig, photo after photo... People were actually starting to recognise me and Katie in the street... More for the video her and Dan put on youtube explaining the whole brother sister thing... Course that got the front page! Everyone was very supportive about it and Katie was ready to meet the whole family when we were back in Dublin! Danny walked in with a newspaper in his hand,

"Have you seen this?!" He said, obviously pretending to be annoyed! It was a photo of him and Katie on the front page...

"Its in German Danny, if you're gunna pretend to be pissed at the media... Do your research first!"

"Haha, you got me! I'm just not on the front page every day, everyone's gotta know about it... And why not put my amazing acting skills to good use! I bet I can convince the next person to come in I can speak German" he said smugly

"200 quid?" I raised my eyebrows

"Your on! We use euros here by the way" I laughed and he leaned in to kiss me, only to be interrupted by a loud cough! Katie was stood at the door...

"Thanks for not... " She laughed... I looked at Danny...

"Urgh, Katie! Have you seen this?!" He was really over doing it... There's no way Katie would buy it!

"Since when do you speak German!?" Katie laughed and scanned over the paper

"Course I speak it! We tour here all the time, we gotta speak to our fans y'know..."

"Sprechen night scheiße, Danny!" The look on his face was priceless!! Katie and Jess: 1 Danny: 0... "Yeah, translate that bitch!" Danny pulled the money out of his pocket, I gave 100 to Katie...

"Why do you get half?!" He asked and Katie laughed

"I don't speak German Dan! I was eavesdropping and went on google translate!"

"And how did you know?!" He turned to me

"How did I know Katie was eavesdropping?! Hmmm, that's a tough one... I suppose I put two and two together when she texted me..." He looked confused

"How the fuck did you look at your phone without me noticing?!"

"1, you are very very easy to distract! 2, I used to go to school, I know how to be sly with my phone!!" Katie was laughing her head off!

"I can't believe I just let my sister and my girlfriend con me out of 200 euros!You two are the next Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn!" He wasn't pissed off about his loss of money, he just couldn't believe we managed to out smart him... And as if we were gonna let it go!

"So, d'you wanna come to town Tom?!" I asked Katie

"Of course Huckleberry... " She said smugly

"Well, you two have a good time! Be back before 5 though, we're leaving after that" he gave Katie a hug and they both looked down... What was that all about...

Danny's POV

Not the best time for my phone to vibrate when I was hugging my little sister (who, I might add, is the most dirty minded person I know!)... Katie started laughing...

...Incoming call from mum...

I hadn't told her about me and Jess yet and I didn't wanna hurt her feelings, the right time just didn't come up... So I turned to Katie for help...

"Its my mum" I whispered in her ear so He's couldn't hear (or lip read)

"Who the hell's Manuel?!" Katie said loudly which made me laugh, she was always so discreet about situations like this!! I swear she did it on purpose!

"No, I said it's my mum"


"I haven't told her about Jess yet, I don't wanna hurt her feelings"

"Speak up a bit Dan! All I heard was uncle Fester and Key rings"

"You are so deaf! I said my mother doesn't know about Jess, I don't want to hurt her feelings!" I whispered

"Oh Danny!" She shook her head, then took the phone off me

"Hello? Uhh, Danny's phone... Yeah... Its Katie... Thanks, and you... He's given us a day off today, but yeah... Everything going great... Haha, you might want to talk to him about that one!... Ok... I'll see you soon... Have a nice rest of the day... Thanks, byeee!" fair play to her, that was brave... She'd spoken to her through me before but never voice to voice! I could tell she was nervous... She was actually speaking politely for a change!

"Did she ask about... 'Uncle Fester'"

"Yep, you're gunna have to tell her... But, what goes on tour stays on tour"

"What do you mean by that?"

"She said you always get into one of those situations while you're on tour... But it changes when you get home"

"Its not gunna change this time... But now you mention it, there is something else going on... I'll talk to you about it later..."Her eyes went wide... She thought I was cheating on Jess or something "its not what you think by the way... Its just something that requires some advice... "

"Are you sure I'm the best person to give it?!"

"Positive!" Jess just looked at us, she was obviously gunna ask Katie what all that was about when I was out of their way... But I'm sure I could trust Katie to keep her mouth shut...!

It was time to tell my mum about Jess... Time to shine my rusty halo... I wasn't gunna let one tiny little detail ruin my relationship... Not again...

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