9 Hit the wall

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Katie's POV

...Ring.... Ring.... Ring...

"KATIE ITS FOR YOU!" I heard the distant hint of Freddie shouting... I rolled over still in a sleepy mess...

... Knock knock knock...

"Katie its your dad... " I shot up out of bed, and Freddie sat down on my bed next to me... I took the phone out if his hand, my heart was racing... I couldn't be alone for this phone call so I grabbed his arm before he could leave...


"Its Dad..."

"Gathered, nobody else calls at ridiculous o'clock!" I'm not a morning person at the best of times...

"Its 9am!"

"Exactly!" Freddie laughed

"You're coming home!"

"I am home!"

"Well then you're coming back to Gloucester!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are! I'm already on the ferry to pick you up!"

"What...? Why?!"

"Because you want to drop out of uni to be a bloody groupie!"

"1, I'm a photographer NOT a groupie...  2, you're pissed because I'm dropping out of uni to get a guaranteed job, so you're gunna take me away from uni to go to NO job! Well that makes perfect sense" that was the first time I had ever spoke my mind to that man... I could feel myself chocking up... There was no way I was leaving my home!

"Don't you dare speak to me like that! I'm your father, you do what I say!"

"No! Why should I?! I'm 19, an adult, you can't control me any more! Are you forgetting that I'm your daughter?! You should respect my decisions for a change! If you think I'm gunna let you destroy this opportunity for me, like you've destroyed every other aspect of my life..  You've got another thing coming!!" I was a hysterical, crying, pissed off mess... Freddie held my hand to comfort me...

"I'm coming to get you, you're coming home whether you like it or not!"

"Well you're never gunna find me... You don't even deserve to be called my father!" I hung up... I was a mess, all Freddie could do was give me a hug and tell me everything was gunna be ok... But it wasn't... I had seen my dad get angry before, but not that bad... What had I done wrong?

Jess walked in and noticed the state I was in...

"Katie? Are you ok?"

"Yeah... Shit, I gotta go!"

"Where? Why?"

"I can't let my dad find me... He doesn't know where Danny lives, I'll go there... Will you come with me?"

"Yeah sure, I'll get a taxi... But you better tell me what's going on!"

A/N: pretty short chapter, but important none the less!!

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