2 Hail rain or sunshine

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Jess's POV

So we'd settled down in our new apartment, with our new roommates, in our new uni...  In our new life! ... And also become quite known down the local... But that's another story!

I rolled out of bed (litterally) on a cold Saturday in Dublin only to realise I'd missed half the day... 1:13pm...  I was supposed to be going out on the streets with Katie, taking photos so we really get to know the place... As well as doing what we love... Photography!

I walked quietly into the living room in a cloud of shame and guilt for not remember our plans... And in fear of a rather pissed off Katie! I crept up behind the sofa...  I thought I could get one up on her if I made her laugh by scaring the shit out of her...  But just as I was about to shout... Feddie's head turned round and I burst out laughing!

"What the fuck you laughing at?"He pulled down his hood to reveal his gorgeous blond hair...  Me and Katie had already made a pact that we'd both stay away from him...  Unless one of us broke a different promise, then the other could have him!! He was so damn hot...

"I thought you were Katie!" I said between giggles

"Well thanks...  I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment...  If I was a girl I'd wanna look like her...  Or you!" He gave me a cheeky wink and smiled...

"I swear you flirt with everyone...  Even guys!"

"I think you're confusing flirting with being nice... "

"Course! Have you seen Katie about...? I was supposed to be going out shooting with her but I kinda woke up late"

"Believe me if I had seen her, you'd know about!" What the hell was that supposed to mean... He was even flirting with people who weren't even in the room!

"Ok then..."

"Wait... Shooting?! Anyone in particular?... Whoever it is, I'll kill him myself!"

"Him?! You wish! I meant photo shooting bellend!"

"Who's bellend you taking photos of??"

"MATURE! If you must know I was calling you the bellend, you bellend! We're taking photos of Dublin by the way!"

"Course you are! She's gunna be pissed off with you y'know that right?" Just as he said this, Katie walked in in full pj's and morning hair...

"Who's gunna be pissed off with who?"

"Jess is gunna be pissed off with you for not getting up on time...  Your hair looks fucking gorgeous by the way!"

Katie's POV

"Not as gorgeous as yours sweet cheaks!" Just because I wasn't allowed to go out with him, didn't mean I wasn't allowed to flirt with him... Those weren't the rules of the pact! "Wait... Its saturday"

"Well done genius!" Jess chipped in

"So why the fuck would you be pissed off with me...  We have know where to be"

"Don't worry I got up late too... You said we'd get up early today to go out shooting!"I looked at my watch...

"Its like 20 past 1... How the hell is that late?!"

"Yeah, 20 past one in the afternoon Katie!" Freddie said smugly... Showing his cute dimples as he smiled...

"I gathered, I'm not a complete muppet! Its still not late!"

"If you say so sweetheart! Its chucking it down outside anyway so why the hell would you wanna go out?" Me and Jess both looked at eachother

"Yeah we always have a good time, whether it's hail, rain or its sunshine" we both sung in sync and Freddie rolled his amazing blue eyes...  Not obsessed with him at all!

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