18 Give the love around

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Jess's POV

We were all sat on the tour bus, making ourselves at home... Seeing the world!! Well... The rest of Ireland but we were about to get on the Ferry to the rest of europe... That was good enough for me!! Katie had gone to sleep as soon as we got on!! Typical!

"Heyy" Danny sat down next to me... So awkward after the night before!!

"What's the problem" I groaned... Wasn't really in the mood for that shit

"Nice to see you too" he replied sarcastically...

...Why be all sarcastic with me if I'm obviously not in the mood?! Bloody hell... You've rejected me, don't rub it in...

"Have you got a problem or not Danny?! I've got things to do and I don't need you wasting my time!"

"You don't look like you're doing anything..."He was joking, but trying to piss me off which was even more annoying...

"Yeah, that's what I want you to think... Really I'm doing your mum, can you tell??"

"Ooohhh, 'your mum' now that was harsh!" He replied sarcastically

"Oh sorry, did I say your mum?! I meant your BOYFRIEND!"

"Eh?" As he said this, Katie walked in... We knew what to say!

"MARK!" we said in sync and Dan rolled his eyes as we laughed... Katie motioned me to come over and she took me out to the back of the bus...

"You're not still pissed with Danny are you??" She said...

... Uh oh, I hope this isn't one of those conversations where she 'protects her brother'...

Katie's POV

It was my time to reverse the effects of the night before and put a plaster on the broken pieces... Starting with Jess... She needed to open her eyes and see what was right in front of her...

"I dunno... Its just taking me a while to get over last night"

"I know it's a bit weird but the only reason he left you last night was because I was in a bad mood... Y'know what Dan's like, he'd always put family first no matter how distant!" She sighed... "He really likes you Jess... He wouldn't have kissed you if he didn't like you"

"He was drunk"

"When Danny's drunk he goes after what he loves, that's why he drunk dials... Occasionally!"

"But- "

"No buts... If you like him, tell him... Its the things you don't do in life you regret" she smiled

"I'm happy to be friends with him for now... But I wanna focus on the more important things in life, not relationships!"

"Ok..." I smiled, I knew she'd change her mind sooner or later! She went to get some sleep before the ferry, enough time for me to have a bit of a chat with my brother!

Danny's POV

"Heyy Dan" Katie came in and sat next to me... She was up to something!

"You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm good... You?" I had to tell her, I'd been such a dick lately... It was time to fix it...!

"Yeah... Well... It's just..." I stuttered

"You really like this girl but she's not interested?"

... Have you got a sixth sense or what?! Hmmm... I can see what you're doing here... you know what I'm thinking...

"Something like that" she raised her eyebrows, she knew who it was but she wanted me to admit it... First step: admitting it...  "Jess"

"Ooooohh, who'd have thought!" She was such an O'donoghue with her humour and crazy amount of sarcasm!

"You knew all along..."

... Stating the obvious...

"She likes you too... Just give her some time to realise what she's got, trust me, you two are made for each other"

"Yeah alright, can we change the subject now?" I pleaded... It sounds selfish but it hurt talking about what I couldn't have...

"Sure!" She laughed

"How are you... Truthfully"

"Well y'know me Dan, always optimistic! Just fixing some mistakes I've made... "

"Is one of them not telling Freddie you liked him before we left??"

"All in good time Danny... "

"By the way, your dad told me to remind you to skype"

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