3 Paint the town green

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Katie's POV

We'd been out and about, walking over every bridge in Dublin for hours capturing the green spirit in a photo...

As we walked down the street I kicked the leaves up in the air and splashed about in the puddles, I was still a child at heart and as soon as I was bored it all spilled out!

"Someone's bored!" Jess laughed

"Mmm...  Just not really feeling it today... "

"I know you're missing home... "She thought she could drop a lyric and I'd just let it go?! No way! We started singing Paint The Town Green at the top of our lungs as we walked...  We got some odd looks... That made me feel right at home! Suddenly, mid air-drum solo, a silhouette of a man came tumbling over the handle bars of his bike and hit his head on the barrier over the bridge...

"Holy shit! Are you ok?!" I ran over to help him but my attention was drawn to Jess who was just stood there in awe... Barely breathing...  I looked back to the man who was lying on the floor...  He was a complete stranger but I put his problems first.  "Are you ok? Oh my god, I bet that really hurt! Do you need an ambulance?" I put my hand on his leather jacket in an attempt to comfort him

"Fucking hell" a familiar voice murmured, I figured he must be one of the others from the local...

He rolled over, revealing his face and it hit me like a tonne of bricks...  I did know him...  The trademark quiff, the leather jacket, the scruffy boots... It was all there... Danny was all there...

"Holy shit" I whispered to myself, he just stared at me as if he had seen a ghost... Weird... "Are you ok? How many fingers am I holding up?"

"You're wearing mittens so I'm gunna guess 5?" I couldn't believe it, the one time I met my music hero and I was wearing mittens! Mittens which my mum packed for me! Rock n' roll!

"Oh, sorry! Well at least I know you've not got brain damage...  You got better observational skills than me!"And there I went, talking bollocks... Yet again...

"How are you being so chilled out?" Jess said, not taking her eyes off of Danny...  Not only was this her musical hero but she had a MAJOR crush on him! I didn't know how to answer her question...  I didn't know why I was being so chilled out, it felt like I'd known him forever...

"Christ Jess! Its only Danny!" I said casually...  He was still looking at me in a weird, sort of curious way...  What was he thinking...? Jess took some time to sit down and chill out...

"You two fans I take it!" He laughed

"Haha, family!"The smile faded from his face and he slowly swallowed "as in the script family?" I added

"Haha, of course... Family"he didn't seem himself... Not that I knew him really...  But I knew enough about him to know this wasn't the usual Danny...  Jess remained silent, a first for her! "Well I think I owe my life to you Katie, so let me take you both out for a coffee to say thanks"

Danny's POV

I couldn't believe it was her...  She didn't have a clue... They told me she knew... I was having a major panic! There were so many things I wanted to say to this girl but I just couldn't... I was making a right mess of it and I could see it in her face, she knew this wasn't the real me...  She was a fan... Family... She knew more things about me than she did about herself...

"Katie?! How do you know my name?"She laughed

Shit! I'm busted! How do I know her name...? She didn't tell me...  What can I say to this... Can't exactly blame it on concussion...

"You've, we've just met Danny O'donoghue... Remember? From the script? And you're bothered about how he knows your name?" she was bothered... Who wouldn't be

"Its written on your name badge..." I stuttered and she looked down at it

"Wow, maybe I'm the one with concussion here!" Thank god she believed me! But I couldn't help but think why she didn't know me...  Why didn't they tell her? Why did they tell us that they did?

"So you gunna come for a coffee with me or what?"

"Yes!" The other girl quicker than a reflex...

"Looks like that's a yes then" Katie laughe, rolling her eyes...  I just wish I could have known her better before...  Well... Y'know... "This is Jess by the way... Fangirl by name, fangirl by nature!"

"Nice to meet both of you...  Thanks for saving my life!" I picked up my now mangled bike and least it up against the wall before noticing what was round Katie's neck, a camera... And I just couldn't help but take a look at her photos! "What do we have here then?"

"Oh, they're crap!" She said trying to take the camera back... And succeeding after about 10 pics!

"Well if that's your idea of crap, I wander... Actually, best not finish that sentence!" They both really laughed and I took Jess's to have a little look...  These two needed there photos to be front page, they were quality... And I knew exactly what we could do with them!

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