10 None the wiser

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Danny's POV

... Knock knock knock...

The faint sound of knocking echoed through my mind mid-dream...  What the hell was it?

... Knock knock knock...

It was louder that time and it woke me up, I rolled over to check my phone... Just before 10am... Who the hell would be rounded that early?! Everybody knew I wasn't at my best in the morning! I threw on some jeans and a tshirt, splashed some water in my face and...


I felt the urgency and panic in the knock... Whoever it was, it must have been important!

"Alright, I'm coming... Fucking hell don't break the door dow- " I opened the door to see Katie and her poor little tear stained face...  I wished I had told her then, all I wanted to do was take her pain away, fix everything for her... Make sure it was ok... Jess was with her, she looked worried... This was serious! I stepped forward to give Katie a hug...  Hoping that it would make things better, but she stepped back...

"I'm ok, really... I... We just need to stay here for a bit... Is that ok?"

"Course, but you're gunna tell me what's wrong sweetheart... Whatever it is... Whoever it is, I'll do everything thing I can to fix it" she came in and sunk into the sofa... Jess just stood there, staring... I felt her pain, she probably knew her better than I did, it hurts to see your loved ones that upset...

"Jess, put the kettle on darling... I'll sort this out, she'll be ok here..." I put my hand on her shoulder and gave her a half hearted smile which she returned before going to the kitchen... But she stopped at the door and turned to look at Katie...

"You've gotta tell him Katie, as our boss and the only person we really know in Dublin, he can help... Please just tell him" Katie nodded and Jess continued to the kitchen... It hurt that I was only their 'boss'... But Katie's problems came first so I tried not to think about it...

I sat down next to Katie, put my arm round her but she moved away... I accepted it, I didn't wanna make her feel uncomfortable...

"So, you gunna tell me what all this is about?" She looked at me, her eyes filled and swallowed... Something hadn't just upset her, something scared her... "Its ok, I'm like a complete stranger to you... You don't have to tell me... Its just... I wanna do what I can to help"

She smiled at me "you're not a complete stranger to me... You're Danny O'donoghue, lead singer of the script... And let's face it, I probably know more about you than you do"

"Tooshay!" I smiled

"Its my parents..."

...What have they done? If I had known they even had the power to upset her like this, I'd never have let them... Well...  Y'know...

"Like I said when I told you, my dad hung up on me when I told him about this job and my mum ignored my call... I hadn't heard from them till this morning... " She choked up and a tear rolled down her face, I saw Jess's head peep through the door but she popped it back in like a tortoise to give us some space... "My dad called this morning... He's not the nicest guy at the best of times, but I've learnt to deal with it... But this time... I dunno... It was like he was angry with me but I've done nothing wrong... He's coming to take me 'home'... But I live here now, I cant let him take me, I can't let him control my life... I tried to call my mum, hoping she'd talk some sense bit she ignored my call again... I'm used to my dad being pissed off with me... But my mum... Well that's a first...Anyway, I really don't wanna go back with him... So I thought I'd come here... I'm sorry... You're the only person I know properly in Dublin... I didn't know what else to do... " She looked at the floor, I could feel my eyes fill up and my throat get tighter... How could they treat her like this?

"Don't apologise to me, I'm glad you came here rather than handling this alone... " She looked up and I quickly wiped the tear from my cheek...  "None of this is your fault... You've done nothing wrong... Its my fault really... Well, and my fami- "


"Shit!" I said and Katie looked at me in fear, Jess came running in and we all stared at the door...

Katie's POV


"Who is it?" Danny asked... I think we all knew who it was deep down...

"WHO DO YOU BLOODY THINK IT IS? NOW OPEN THE DOOR BEFORE I BREAK IT DOWN!!" It was my dad... He found me... My life was over!

"One sec, I've... Not got any clothes on!" I have to admit, that made me laugh! "You two... Go through that door, wait in my bedroom, lock the door from the inside!" He whispered to us

"I'M NOT JOKING DANNY! OPEN THE DOOR!" My dad shouted again...

"KEEP YOUR FUCKING HAIR ON...  WHEN I USE MY SUPER POWERS TO GET DRESSED QUICKLY I END UP WEARING MY UNDERWEAR OVER MY TIGHTS...  DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE CAPE... SO GIVE ME A FUCKING SECOND!" Danny shouted back... It was nice of him to insult my dad in order to make me laugh... But he didn't know what he was getting himself into... Me and Jess ran into his room and locked the door...


"Yeh?" I had my ear pressed against the door, hoping I could hear what he has to say...

"How the fuck does your dad know where Danny lives?"

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