CHPTR 1 - Strange

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(a/n - yeah, i took down the others so i can rewrite!! Ok hope you enjoy!!

-Edit- My friend helped me write this!!! They are revising my work!!! :D So say thank you!!!

-DirtBlock - )

I looked out my high barred window in my cold cell, there's not much to do other than that. Watching the people walk about their days always caught my eye. I've lived in this town all my life and yet I find myself always so interested in just observing. Occasionally I would watch the young boy who sells fruit by the butcher shop, and the scary woman who owned it, the old man who always walks the street every morning. The boy would always arrive in the early morning and leave when the sun was just barely dipping down behind the buildings and it would make me have a sense of well, if he could do this everyday then maybe I can go through each day as well. Then the scary woman in the butcher shop, always chasing away the perps that would mess up the shop, she was so brave and strong, truly someone I looked up to. Yet it wasn't always filled with kind strangers. More often than not, it was filled with the scumbags of this town. The people who are trapped in a gutter, and feel the need to take it out on others. Just overall sour folk.

Batstillton was a rather large town, yet still seemed to always be crowded. Yes, some people knew each other, but it's only due to how close the homes were with each other. By no means was this a rich folk town, if anything, it was far from it. The Slums caused the crime rate to be at an all time high. This is probably why Batstillton has the largest prisons in the state. The Taltion prison is at the center of town, right by the market, guess where I am? It always seemed gray here, clouds that held a perpetual grey hue hung for what seemed to be days on end.

There was a commotion further down the street that people seemed to hush over, others nearby began to look at what caused the sudden silence. Then began the whispers, women, men, and even children seemed to be conversing about whatever had caught their eye. Whatever it was, it was getting closer, soon to pass by my small window on the floor of the streets, having to stand on my toes to at least peak my head out.I looked through all the feet of all the people as they scurried away from the path of the thing as it got closer.

Then, finally when I caught a glance as to what the people were all hushed about, I saw a man. A man clad in golden jewels, his long pink hair braided as it swung behind his figure. He wore a blood red cape, and his black pants tucked under a white poet shirt with large brown buckle boots. Not only that, but he held a large sword at his hip. One would have thought he was a pirate, had it not been for the golden crown that adorned his head. Though I couldn't see much of his face from where I was, standing in my oh so small cell, chiseled stone from when they built this I saw him look in my direction when I let out a yelp as my hold on the iron bars faltered for a moment.

His gaze as he turned to look back at me, made me freeze in my spot and when the pair of women that stood in front of my window moved to the side, I saw the large tusks that stood out from his lips. His expression showed nothing, it gave no hints as to his feelings. He walked to the boy that sold the fruits, snatching up an apple.

"Hey you can't just-" The boy tried to say, but when the man turned to look back, he quickly shut his mouth. The man however, reached into a satchel hidden in his cape, and pulled out a few gold coins and handed them to the boy. The boy seemed ecstatic and he just nodded his head.

The man walked across once more to where my simple small window lay, and he crouched down, extending the apple to me. I didn't take it, I couldn't. He could snatch my hand if I gave my hand.He seemed to get rather impatient, as he grabbed one of my hands that held the iron bar and placed the apple in it. I was quick to take my hand back, worried he would snatch it up.

He just stood up after that and continued on his way. His presence seemed to stir up commotion in the marketplace as people started to go back to walking, yet still talking about the strange man.

Not that I blame them, my thoughts seemed to be filled with images of the man well after the incident. 

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