CHPTR 4 - what do you know

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I had woken up a little earlier than when the guards woke us up. I guess it was from the ruckus of my neighboring cell.

Although the cold wind reaches my face, I look down to see I still had Techno's cape wrapped around me.
I snuggled further into the soft fluff on the neck of the cape. Everything felt calm, I felt safe.

But that didn't last long as the door to my cell opened.

"Wakey wakey!" The guard, I've come to know as "Baker". That's at least what the others call him. I'm not sure if it's his name or just a nickname. But when I ask he doesn't give me a straight answer.

"Good morning Baker." He's one of nicer guards so I'm not that afraid of holding a conversation with him.

Baker made a sound that sounded like sucking air through his teeth.

"Where did you get that (y/n)? You know we can't let you keep that-"

"Technoblade gave it to me!" I quickly state.

Baker looks at me in surprise, almost like he didn't expect that, but just nods his head as he seemingly understood.

"Well, I think it's best you leave that in here for breakfast or the others might want to take it from you." He says as he stands to the side, waiting for me to walk through the door.

I couldn't disagree with that fact, so I took it off, folding it and putting it gently on the corner of my bed.

"It's gonna be really cold today so I will let you come back to your cell and warm up with that later alright?" He chuckled.

I have no idea how he is getting away with being kind to me. I'm not complaining though.

We head out to the yard. It's honestly imposingly huge. Even with all this space people still group up in the corners or benches.

I was already cold and shivering as we walked. I felt the stares of some of the people as we made our way to the cafeteria.

It's not necessarily crowded in the cafeteria. Much like the yard, it is huge, a bit run down but still hold up a lot better than the walls of the crumbling buildings nearby.

"I'll be back in 20 to take you back." Bakers face was much more emotionless than before, he seemed snappy. Probably the guards that littered the place.

I just nod as I make my way to get breakfast. It's nothing special, some bread, apple, and some milk. Lunch and dinner however are something to look forward to.

I get myself a tray and walk to a near empty table. The people sitting there don't say anything to me as they eat their food and talk.

"Get over it, pinche prostituta." One of them groaned. The one with blonde hair tied in a braid.

"Watch it puta! You know very well we do anything for money here." The brunette said, slamming her fist on the table.

"Watch it girls!" A guard near us

They both grumbled.

"So what are you in for?" The blonde asks, turning her attention to me with a scowl.

"Ah- well nothing bad really, just looked at a royal wrong." I explain shrinking as they two girls stare me down.

They say nothing for a long while until they suddenly burst out into laughter.

"You can't possibly be telling the truth!!" The brunette shouts. She seems to do that a lot.

They continued to laugh and make a mess on the table. They even made a scene of falling to the floor and kicking about. Honestly I think this was just a ruse to anger the guard that was watching us.

Gosh I can just feel the eyes of everyone staring at us.

"What did I say!?" The guard shouts at our table again, coming closer but being stopped by a voice.

"Now now Trent, let's calm down a bit." Baker comes in. I don't even think it's been 20 minutes.

"I've told them once Baker, they need to learn a lesson or two!" 'Trent' says as he gets close to Baker.

"I'll just take her," he pointed at me, "back to her cell yeah?"

"Why only her?" Trent pushed.

"You know why Trent. I'm assigned to her" Baker explains.

"Whatever." Trent walks off back to take the girls away as Baker motions me to follow after him.

"It hasn't even been 10 minutes and something happens." Baker sighed.

"I think those girls just wanted to annoy the guard." I purse my lips.

"Yeah they tend to do that to him a lot." He laughs.

"Who are they anyway?" We make it to my cell and he motions me to go in first.

"The blonde is Cantara and the one with brown hair is Pintaco." He sits on a chair in the corner.

"Oh, they seem close." I had once again curled myself up to Techno's cape.

"They do but they probably hate each other just as much." He stretched.

"Who hates who?" The voice rings suddenly. Both Baker and I jump and look to the window.

"Techno!" I run up to the window with a smile.

"Hey (y/n)," his lip twitches up ever so slightly, then he nods toward Baker. "Baker."

"Technoblade." Baker nods to him as well.

Ah yes, I definitely understand what just happened...

"What-" I look at both of them.

"Nothing, how are you today?" Techno is quick to change the subject.

"Oh! It's- alright- oh wait! I didn't get to finish eating." I pout. Hmm Cantara and Pintaco really seem to not like that guard.

"I could go get you something?" Baker suddenly stands.

"Yeah get her something." Techno instructs.

Baker goes without question.

"Do you know eachother?" I ask as I watched Baker leave.

"You could say that. He more so is a look out for me." He explains.

"Look out for what?" I grip onto the cape a bit tighter as the wind blows.

"You" he says plainly.

"What? Why?" That was not the answer I was expecting.

"Hmmm who knows." He just hummed playfully.

"Wait no!! That's just not fair! If it has something to do with me I would very much like to know." My brows furrowed in confusion.

"All I will say is that I knew about you way before I gave you that apple." He stands.

"You just got here! Where are you going? What do you mean?!" Now this was frustrating.

His face went back to stoic and monotone. No emotion once more.

"Goodbye (y/n) see you later." And he leaves.

"Ok I brought a cookie and some milk- oh he left." Baker walked in.

I walk up to him as menacingly as I can. Which maybe doesn't look as menacing as I hope but whatever.

"What do you know."


I am so consistent I know :p

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