CHPTR 13 - teasing

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Over the next few weeks that I've been at the castle, me and Techno had gotten closer, as well as the other two brothers. Phil wasn't usually present on our chaotic escapades, but his presence was always a lovely one. It was wonderful. It felt like I was a part of their family, which they no doubt made sure to assure me I was. When they would have portraits being made, they always invited me to join in, always placing me at Techno's side. It was wonderful to get to see the portrait after but during, it was a pain.

Having to stand still for long periods of time. I got some relief at least, Techno would let me lean on him whenever he would see me start to shift my weight from foot to foot. He would always wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer to his side,whispering to just rest a bit. No complaints from me really.

Though, throughout all those times we had our portraits done, I couldn't help but remember the first night here. The kiss that was oh so close to landing on my lips.  I haven't forgotten, and much more, Techno doesn't give me a chance to. From small glances at the table, staring at my eyes and quickly flicking to my lips and back, to even positioning his hand to point at his lips when he read, when he knew I was watching.

Oh what a tease he was. He would tease me every now and then, blowing kisses my way but when I was flustered, he would go back to a stoic look as if it never happened. If I wasn't so embarrassed at what happened the other night I would go up to him and plant one right there on his lips.

But, alas, I wallowed in my fear that maybe he did it as a joke, never intending to actually kiss me, only wishing to fluster me. Even now, as we sat by the fireplace in the large library, which- by the way, who puts a fire in a library- very worrisome if I do say so. But still, it was nice, sitting by the fire and reading on a rainy day. It was nearing the winter months and just reading to the sound of the fire cackling was something nothing else could compare to.

We sat facing each other. Each one of us engrossed in our own thoughts or our books at hand.
Tommy had gone off to see a friend in another town and Wilbur had gone to the woods, not saying much but something about a lake. Phil was up in his study, making plans and the sort.

Techno had woken me early in the morning, nearly dragging me off my bed, saying he wanted to go read. I groaned, telling him to go by himself but he was relentless. I decided to just go along and now I sat in my nightgown, yawning and rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I tried to focus on my book, it was something about large creatures that roamed a void like land. I don't know, I wasn't paying much attention as I was busy trying not to fall asleep.

"Why am I here again?" I asked, pulling my legs up onto the chair I sat on.

"To keep me company." He said, not looking up at me, just reading.

"But I want to go back to sleep." I whined, slumping forward.

"I never said you couldn't sleep." He said, smirking with a smug look as he finally looked at me.

"Oh ha ha, real funny." I said, sarcasm dripping with every word. Then an Idea popped into my head. Techno had sat on the couch and I sat on the loveseat. Hm, sleep I will mister I held back a smile.

I grabbed the throw pillow that was on the seat and stalked my way over to him. He looked up at me, raising a brow but not questioning or putting his book down. I simply sat next to him, lifting his arm. Now he was confused, moving his arm away from me and leaving it in the air. "What are you doing there, princess?" He asked as I layed the throw pillow on his lap, soon getting comfortable and laying my head down.

"Just going to get some shut eye." I whispered, smiling as I curled my legs up to my chest, closing my eyes.

I heard Techno hum and he let his arm down, caressing my hair. He said nothing and went back to reading. I expected him to get flustered or something, but all I got was a hum. I shouldn't complain though, at least I can get some shut eye. I had dozed off a little while later, only waking up when Techno tapped at my shoulder and started shifting around.

"Wake up princess, time to eat." He prodded, softly shaking me from my sleep.

I hummed and groaned in protest but got up anyway. Food sounded really good right now.

"There you go love, come on." He got up and held my hand as I lazily followed behind him. From what I can see after I rubbed my eyes. His hair was a mess, it stuck from all over the place. Had he also fallen asleep? I let out a giggle.

"I know you're laughing at my hair, just gonna' say, you don't look much better princess." He turned around and winked before turning back around. I let out a huff, catching up to him and leaning on his shoulder. "You're so rude." I grunted out as we entered the dining room. He just shrugged.

Phil sat at the head of the table, as he always does. "Good morning." He greeted with a smile, cutting his food.

"Good morning Phil." I smiled back. Techno and I sat at our respected seats next to each other, looking over the food to see what we would get.

"You guys look like a mess." Phil teased, sending us a look.

"Techno woke me up really early just to go read." I groaned, getting some eggs.

"Hey! Last time you woke me up in the middle of the night because you saw a slug." Techno countered.

"Ok? It looked cool! I had to show someone!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Ok ok you two, stop acting like children." Phil giggled. The suddenly the doors opened and in came Wilbur, soaked to the core in rain water.

"Hello father." Wilbur greeted, sitting down to the right of Phil. He was silent as he got his servings of food and ate.

We all calmed down and ate in peace for a while. Everyone was quiet as we ate. Then I felt someone tap at my foot. I looked at Techno and he gave me a sly grin. I smirked at the challenge, kicking his foot.

He put his hand under the table and pinched my thigh. I yelped, catching the attention of Phil and Wilbur. I offered a goofy smile. Thankfully before they could question me the door swung open again. In came Tommy, "Good morning!!" He yelled, racing to his seat and dropping down.

"You seem happy." Phil commented.

"Oh I am! I got a gold coin from tubbo! It has a little bee engraved on it!" Tommy seemed genuinely happy and I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face. It dropped tho when I felt another pinch at my thigh. I gave Techno a glare and he kept eating, but I could very faintly see a smile play on his lips.

I tried to pinch him back, but he was wearing pants so it was no use. Hm, he wants to play like that? Alright then. I slowly bring my hand up and quickly slam it down on his leg, creating a loud slap that sounded through the room. Everyone looked at Techno, as did I to play the part.

"What the hell are you doing Technoblade?" Tommy asked, looking genuinely confused. It took everything in me not to laugh.

"Sorry, I clapped too loud I guess." He tried to keep his face neutral but I could see the pink that danced about his cheeks.

"Your hand is on the table Techno." Wilbur raised a brow.

"I slapped my knee then." He coughed, going back to eating. It was quiet for a while and then Tommy resumed his talk with Wilbur and Phil.

I looked over at Techno, he sent me a glare.

I smirked, sticking out my tongue. Techno leaned in close to my ear, "Keep sticking your tongue out and I'll bite it."

Needless to say my tongue went back in my mouth like lightning speed.

But I will keep his comment in mind.

( - have extra long chapter to make up for the small ones, sorry -)

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