CHPTR 20 - More To Come

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It was all going wrong.

The moment we reached the nation, we were led to a discussion room with the king and representatives from the cities of the nation. They were now only discussing how they would take on the war.

They had failed at negotiating peace and now they only wage war.

Technoblade was furious, he had raised his voice to the king, calling the representatives irresponsible for not waiting on us when specifically asking for our help in the matter of negotiating.
Techno was enraged, his voice booming as he told them that by not waiting they put his men in danger. One of the representatives talked back, shouting obscenities at him before the others could stop him.

"If you ever ask for the Capitols help, much less think about it, We will not be there to help you." Techno snarled at them, silencing the once boasting room.

Techno stood and led us out. He lagged behind to let his men out first, I stayed back, waiting for him. Techno looked furious, I swore I saw steam coming from his nose as he huffed. Then a small stringy man followed after, trying to catch Technoblade's attention. He followed us all the way to the front gates before he grabbed at Techno's cape.

It all happened in a flash, Techno was quick to draw his sword and turn to face the man who had looked utterly terrified.

"What is it that you must pull on me and delay my troops from reaching home and getting to be with their loved ones again?" Techno seethed, the tip of his blade at the man's throat.

"S- Sir! I simply must request you reconsider this?" The man explained, "These people! They've little to nothing left for them! The Western Nation wants to take what little we have!" He pleaded, essentially on his knees.

"To help us we would be in your debt!" He sobbed

"And what do you plan to give us when we are done helping you? If you have so little, what is it in return you could possibly give?" Techno spoke diplomatically although through his eyes I saw a desire of some sort forming.

"We give up our neutrality to you! We will stay at your side for the years to come!" The man looked at Technoblade with a look one could only describe as a man pleading to a god.

Techno halted the troops as he thought. Then he turned to face his troops.

"We will help them!" he shouted for everyone to hear before turning back to the man who looked elated, "You will inform the others and then we will make a plan." Techno explained, now walking away to lead the men to the rooms that were made for us. The man left, returning back to the room to tell the others.

I stood still, watching both walk away from each other before I came to and ran to catch up to Techno.

"Techno! Sir Techno!" I shouted as I caught up to him.

"Yes?" He spoke through clenched teeth, pointing his elbow out for me to grab, and I did, interwinding our elbows together as we walked.

"Is this really a good idea?" I asked, frightened at the thought of an oncoming war.

"whether it is or it is not, there is very little you need to worry yourself with." He retorted, placing his free hand over mine, holding my arm in place.

"But I do worry! so much can go wrong." I whisper the last bit, huffing out a comment on death.

"Again, no need to worry about matters involving life and death, I assure you, you have nothing to worry about." He looked down at me, and through those eyes I saw little to no fear, perhaps the gaze of eyes that witnessed a death of one dear to them, maybe more than once.

I would question him if it wasn't for the way he looked at me dearly before turning away, walking to his room, motioning to mine across from him.

we share a nod and part ways.

I didn't immediately go to my room, instead opting to walk the halls of this grand palace. It was a tad smaller than the one in the capital, but still held grandeur.

Suddenly, as I passed the knights quarters I heard rowdy talk.

"He seems more attached to her than the other times, I still wonder why he let her join us, considering what has happened the last few times." One knight quanders, taking a sip of what I assume is booze. Drinking at this hour huh

I stood by the door, listening to the talk.
Were they speaking of me?

"I really hope it doesn't happen again, there is only so much I can take-" Bakers voice wavers, voice cracking.

"Well it isn't like she died! She was just- really hurt and lost some memories! Nothing we can't remake!" A voice I recognised as Paralis spoke comfortingly, I would assume he placed a hand on Bakers hand.

Baker stayed quiet at that remark.

"Yes but- Sir Technoblade insisted she be placed back where she was first! The damned prison, to think he would make her go back all those times." Baker grunted.

"He has a plan baker." Paralis spoke, seemingly annoyed at the bringing up of the prison then  grunting when a screech of a chair sounded through the room, followed by more.

"Sit down Baker, Paralis." The lead knight warned.

"I'm just sick and tired of going through this all over again." Baker sat back down, putting his head in his hands.

Through the small crack in the door I saw paralis place his hands on Bakers knees, crouching before giving his head a kiss.

"I know, it is frustrating for all of us, but he has a plan, trust him." Paralis insisted, lifting Bakers head to place a kiss on his cheek.

"I swear you two are worse than my neighbors on a Friday evening." The lead knight spoke again.

The rest of the knights boasted with laughter.

"But he is correct Baker, you know better than all of us that we have to trust him." The lead spoke, crossing his legs as he sat on the chair.

"Right." Was all Baker said before the subject changed to that about the leaders neighbors.

I walked away.

They had to be talking about me. Who else?

And lost memories? What did this mean?

I sighed, curling my hands into fists.

He was always evasive when it came to me asking him about how he was before I met him.
Have I met him before?
Had we been with each other? Only separated when I got injured to the point of memory loss?

I marched my way over to his room, I needed answers, now.

I don't think I would be able to sleep with any.


it's been- something lol

also it's gonna be my birthday soon!! :)) on may 4 >:D
BUT YES! i still have the ending planned out don't worry!!

2 more chapters left honey bunnies

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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