CHPTR 10 - Dinner

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After Techno had left, and I finally calmed my nerves, two maids came in with smiles. They both had brown hair but one was very much taller than the other. They were both so beautiful though. They had such pretty faces. I shook my head.

I went to greet them but before I could they went straight to work. They pulled at my clothes to take it off and I couldn't even protest as they had done so already.

"Hey hey now- whoop-" They pushed me along to the bathroom and turned the handle till warm water came out and they stood to the side, finally giving me space. Knowing what they wanted I just got into the tub. I got a moment to relax before they went on with their work. One lathered me in soap with a sponge whilst the other massaged my scalp with some nice smelling shampoo.

This was the best bath I've ever had. And once they finally finished and I rinsed off they dried me and brought me back to my room. This is the cleanest I have ever felt.

"Try this on, miss." The shorter one spoke. She held up a lovely yellow flowy dress. They helped me put it on and they held out a mirror for me to look at. The dress was so cute! Yet again, I still don't feel like I should be wearing it. It felt far too nice for me to wear it, but I will, for dinner.

The maids had led me down the halls to a large door that they opened, revealing a large table with much more food than I could imagine. At the head of the table sat Phil and to his left was Wilbur, who waved politely at my attendance, and Tommy who was too focused on stuffing his face than to notice me. To Phil's right was Techno, sitting lazily, poking his food absentmindedly.

Phil motioned to the seat next to Techno and I made my way over, finally catching his attention and he sat straighter at the sight of me. His cheeks tinted red and he faced away, clearing his throat.

"Glad you can join us (Y/n)" Phil said, cutting into his steak.

"Thank you for having me." I smiled cheerfully. I looked ahead of me to see Tommy glaring at me and I chuckled nervously. Tommy went back to having a loud conversation with Wilbur.

"Feel free to get whatever you want." Phil looked at me and pointed to the many platters of different foods. I nod a thanks and turn to look at Techno, feeling too embarrassed to get the food myself and looking at him for instruction, tapping at his foot with mine. He looked back at me and leaned close to me.

"What's wrong? You're not hungry?" He asked in a hushed whisper.

I started to get nervous to ask. "Umm, could you serve me something? I don't really know what to get and I do not wish to look like a fool." I looked at him, pleading.

He sighed, "What do you want?" I shrugged

"What catches your eye then." He asked, grabbing my plate and scooting a bit forward to reach the dishes.

"Um, that please." I pointed at what seemed to be stuffed potatoes. Techno got one and put it on my plate.

"Anything else?" He asked, looking at me.

"Umm some of that please." I pointed at the meatloaf. It looked so good and juicy I couldn't help but drool! Techno quickly cut a slice and put it beside the baked potato. He passed me the plate and I thanked him, smiling like a goof. He just let out a scoff and turned back to his own food, yet the smile that decorated his face was just big enough to notice.

I looked at the meatloaf and decided to get a bite of that first, and gosh!! It was absolutely delicious! I couldn't help but let a small squeal out in adoration. I quickly snapped out of it when Techno turned to look at me and Wilbur asked, "Hey! Would you like to go on a walk later? We were planning to go to the, ahem, gardens."

"Oh! That sounds great actually! I would love to!" I was interested, my noisy neighbors had said that the King's garden had all types of flowers and fruits.

"Great! We should eat up first!" Tommy said, stuffing his face once more. It wasn't as awkward now, we talked about some stuff and cracked jokes and the sort. Phil, at one point, almost spat out his drink at a story I told of a crow pecking at my head when I gave some bread to another bird.  Techno even began telling stories of when he went on expeditions with knights into the nether world.

When Techno spoke I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from him. He spoke with words that sounded so wonderful when spoken by him, words that held so much emotion when he spoke them, even with his neutral tone.

Even Tommy had stopped screeching and listened to Techno as he spoke of his times fighting wither skeletons and giant cubes of Magma that chased after him and his men.

When we finally finished all our food, Wilbur came around to our side and slid my chair back, holding his hand out for me to take. And albeit him standing right infront of me, he didn't look at me, he was instead watching Techno from past me.

"Let's go darling, the flowers are waiting." Wilbur spoke. He smirked a bit when a grunt was heard from Techno.

"Thank you Wilbur, but I think I will be walking with Techno." I refused politely, turning over to look at Techno and he looked back at me, pink tickling at his cheeks and dusting over his nose.

"Of course." Wilbur bowed in understanding and then Tommy came over and threw his arm over Wilbur, accidentally punching his jaw. Wilbur slowly turned to Tommy, who's face slowly formed a frightened grin.

"Tommy you brat!!" Wilburs whole demeanor changed as Tommy yelled and began running. I had no doubt that Wilbur would catch up to him soon as they ran out the door and into the halls.

Phil laughed and sighed, running a hand down his face. "I better get back to work. Have fun you two." He walked out.

"Shall we go then princess?" Techno walked over to me, holding his arm out.

"We shall." I wrap my arm around his as we walk out to the halls.

To the gardens we go.

( - DirtBlock may rest fully now - )

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