Chapter 26

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Lexa POV

Day 1476

Everything was peaceful. Lexa's burns were healed, her eye was healed but left a scar. Nova was staying with them in the village. The bunker was totally uncovered and ready to be opened.

Aden and Madi were teaching Nova how to fight. Madi and Nova were fighting and Aden was helping Nova but Madi was still winning.

Lexa and Clarke were sitting by the fire. Lexa was sitting between Clarke's legs leaning back into Clarke.

"Nova said, she wants to wait until Raven comes down to tell her she's her sister." Clarke said, intertwining their fingers.

"I figured Nova would want to do that." Lexa said, as Clarke kissed her cheek. Lexa was watching Aden, Madi and Nova. Aden put his hands on Nova's hips to turn her.
"Hey, watch your hands!" Lexa yelled. Clarke laughed. Aden glared at her, blushing. Madi was laughing as well.

"So when are you gonna tell me about what you told Aden in Polis?" Clarke asked.

"I basically told him everything about you." Lexa laughed. "Aden thought it was so funny that I was hopelessly in love while you hated me."

"No I thought it was funny that you changed our whole way of life for a girl!" Aden yelled. "Blood must not have blood!"

Clarke was laughing behind her. Lexa pouted. "I love you." Clarke giggled, kissing her.

"I love you too." Lexa smiled. "The only thing I'm missing from the burns is our bathes." Lexa said.

"Who said it had to end?" Clarke said, standing up. Clarke held out a hand and Lexa took it standing up. "We'll be at the lake!" Clarke told Aden and them. They all nodded.

Lexa and Clarke walked to the lake hand in hand. Once they got there they stripped down and got in. Lexa picked up Clarke and threw her in. "Lexa!" Clarke screamed. Lexa laughed and then got in.

Lexa wrapped her arms around Clarke's neck and then kissed her. They pulled away and Clarke wiped dirt off of her face. Clarke ran a finger over her scar. "That scar looks really badass I hope you know." Clarke smiled.

"You tell me that at least ten times a day." Lexa laughed. Clarke laughed softly and leaned her foreheads together. They started to wash each other.

Lexa was getting a leg massage from Clarke when it started to rain. "Fuck off!" Clarke yelled at the rain. Lexa laughed.

"We should probably head back." Lexa sighed.

"We are already wet, I'm not moving." Clarke said, pulling her on to her lap. Lexa squealed and then laughed. "I love you." Clarke said softly, kissing her cheek.

"I love you too." Lexa smiled, leaning her head onto Lexa's shoulder.

They sat there until the rain started to pick up a little more. They got out, got dressed and then ran back to the village laughing.

They quickly got into their house and got into dry clothes. Lexa pulled Clarke onto the bed and wrapped her arms and legs around Clarke. Clarke giggled and kissed her nose. Lexa smiled and Clarke rolled them over so Lexa was on top.

Lexa cuddled into Clarke and put her head on Clarke's chest. Clarke moved Lexa's hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.

They both ended up falling asleep.

About an hour or two later they woke up and went outside. The rain had stopped and the smell of fresh rain filled the air. Aden and Nova were talking outside. "He's almost as hopeless as you were." Clarke teased.

"I was not hopeless." Lexa said.

"Lexa your strategy was I'm gonna stare at her lips until she marries me." Clarke laughed.

"You noticed that?" Lexa groaned.

"We would have a conversation and you would just look at my lips the whole time." Clarke said, kissing her.

"You would too!" Lexa protested.

Clarke laughed. "I did some times." Clarke said, putting an arm around her. Lexa looked back at Aden and Nova.

Nova got up, kissed Aden's cheek and then walked into the woods. Aden was left shocked. Aden turned and looked at them with wide eyes. Lexa and Clarke started to laugh. A smile came onto Aden's face. They gave Aden a thumbs up as they smiled.

A few minutes later Nova came back and Aden and her started to talk again. Lexa and Clarke walked over to the rover. They got in and Clarke picked up the radio.

"How are you doing Reyes?" Clarke said.

"'I am so over algae!" Raven complained. "I just want to eat something else!" They both laughed. "Anyway, how's my favorite couple?"

"Good." Clarke said, taking her hand. "And what are you gonna say to Octavia?"

"I lost those feelings forever ago." Raven said. There was a long pause. "What do I say when I see her? Hey? Like that is just hey! She probably got hotter and I'll be an idiot and tell her! Clarke I'm so fucked! Hey Octavia! Long time no see. How was your bunker? Do I hug her or wave or kiss her cheek. Clarke, she probably has a girlfriend!" Raven groaned.

Lexa and Clarke were laughing. "Raven." Clarke laughed. "What would you say to Lexa?" Clarke asked.

"Lexa already knows I have a crush on her. It's not a crush you know what I mean. Lexa, you turned to help. What did you do to get Clarke to fall in love with you?" Raven said.

"I don't know?" Lexa laughed.

"You both are no help. I almost went to Murphy for help and that's saying something. I have accepted being single for the rest of my life. Also Murphy and Bellamy have a bet going. It's about me and Lexa and I have no clue what it is."

They talked to Raven for a while. A few other people would join in as well. 


Raven is me when I'm talking about my crush. Thank you for the votes!


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