Chapter 18

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Clarke POV

Day 489

Nova's burns were all gone besides some small spots. Raven was figuring out the ovals and the powers. Lexa and her were washing off in the lake.

Lexa had her legs wrapped around her waist and she had her arms around Lexa. Clarke leaned in and kissed Lexa softly. Lexa hummed against her lips.

"Everyone else is stressing out and we are relaxing in the lake." Lexa said.

"I'm not complaining." Clarke smiled.

"Me either. I love you." Lexa said, kissing her.

"I love you too." Clarke said, against Lexa's lips. Lexa pulled them back into the water. They both went under and surfaced, laughing. "You always do that!" Clarke said, splashing water at Lexa. Lexa was laughing.

She felt something brush her leg. She screamed and Lexa laughed harder. "The hell was that!" Clarke asked, jumping on Lexa's back.

"That was a fish Clarke." Lexa laughed.

Clarke got off Lexa's back. "Oh." She said. Lexa laughed. "Shof op." She hit Lexa's arm. Lexa kissed her and then splashed water at her.

Ten or so minutes later they dried off and got dressed. They went to the pod to check on Nova.

"Are you here to check my burns?" Nova asked, coming out of the pod. Clarke nodded. Nova took off her shirt so she was left in a bra.

She looked at the burns and handed Nova's shirt back. "Also, can I check your neck." Clarke asked. Nova turned around and moved her hair out of the way. She removed the bandage and saw that it was healing well. She changed the bandage.

"What's Raven like?" Nova asked, starting a fire.

"Inappropriate." Lexa and her said at the same time.

"More than me or the same or am I more?" Nova asked.

"More than you. Although you both flirt on Lexa. I don't know why Raven does though, Lexa tried to kill her." She said. Nova looked at Lexa.

"Long story." Lexa said, scratching the back of her head.

"I have all day." Nova said, getting comfortable.

"Long story short, I thought Raven poisoned a drink and I tied her up and almost drove a sword through her." Lexa said.

"And you don't get jealous when we flirt with her?" Nova asked.

"Lexa tripped my friend Bellamy down the stairs because we made eye contact, I highly doubt she'll get feelings from you two flirting." Clarke said.

"No! He fell and it just looked like I tripped him." Lexa protested.

"And that time Bellamy touched my arm and you started to play with your knife." She said.

"I play with my knife all the time."

"What about that one time, you called him out to spar with you after we hugged. You broke his finger."

Nova was laughing. "But his hands were close to you ass." Lexa protested.

"His hands were on my upper back." She laughed. Lexa muttered something under her breath.

"So, I'm expecting a cute love story now." Nova said.

"Uh, I kidnapped her once." Lexa said.

Nova did a double take. "Sorry you what now? I was not expecting that."

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