Chapter 20

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Raven POV

Day 730

    It has been two years since praimfaya. Everyone was drunk even though it was lunch time.

"Only four more years!" Raven slurred, holding a glass up. Everyone cheered and did the same. They all drain their glasses.

They stopped drinking about an hour later and everyone was passed out.

About two hours later, she woke with a killer headache. Raven groaned and rubbed her head. "Oh fuck my life."

She got out of her bed and went to get water. She walked past where the ship that Tom came in should have been. "I'm drunk, you'll walk back and see that it's there." She said, and kept walking.

Raven came back with water and the ship wasn't there. She ran to the room where Tom was in, but he wasn't there. "Shit shit shit." She cursed running as water splashed everywhere.

She opened Bellamy's door. She saw Bellamy and Echo butt ass naked. "Get out Raven!" Bellamy said, pulling the blankets up.

"We have a big problem." Raven said.

"Can it wait?" Echo asked

"Tom's gone." She said.

Raven left so they could get changed. After they came out they started to wake up everyone else. "Shit the demon ovals!" She ran to the control room and looked everywhere, but they were nowhere to be found.

Raven ran back to the group. "The ovals are gone." She said. Everyone turned to look at her.

"Well shit." Murphy said.

Clarke POV

    She was walking past the rover when she heard the radio going off.

    "Clarke Griffin! Answer the damn radio! You probably have your fingers inside of Lexa right now! Or Lexa Woods!"

    "Lexa Woods?" She asked.

    "Later! Tom is gone with the ovals!"


    "We were drunk and asleep, I don't know how he did it."

    "Well shit, what now?"

    "I don't fucking know?" They stayed silent for a minute. "How was your day? You get laid?"

    "Good and yes."

    "Ooo! Was it good?"

    "Raven." Clarke sighed.

    "It was good. Anyway I gave Lexa a last name. Lexa Woods. Heda Lexa Woods kom Trikru. That's a really long name."

    "Heda Lexa Woods kom Trikru." Clarke repeated.

    "Where is Lexa anyway?"

    "Still asleep."

    "Damn girl, I didn't know you were that good."

    "The commanders are speaking with her."

    "Does she talk in her sleep?'

    "She whispers to herself, it's kind of relaxing in a way."

    "How are Aden and Madi?"

    "Aden and Madi wanted to go spear fish." They talked about random stuff until Lexa came out.

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