Chapter 17

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Lexa POV

Day 464

Clarke and Lexa were naked and wrapped up in the blankets. Lexa wrapped her arms around Clarke and buried her head in her chest. Clarke kissed the top of her head.

"I told Raven I would talk to her as soon as I woke up." Clarke said, moving her hair.

"Raven doesn't know if you are up or not." Lexa said, picking her head up to look at Clarke. "Plus I'm comfortable." She added. Clarke laughed softly and kissed her.

They cuddled a little longer before they got dressed, stealing touches and kisses. Madi and Aden were still asleep so they didn't put anything on the fire. Clarke went to grab the radio as she put sticks in the fire.

Clarke put the radio down next to them. "This is Clarke Griffin to the Ark." Clarke said, putting an arm around her waist.

"Sup bitches." Raven said.

"You find anything?"

"Yeah! I opened the DVD looking thing and it looks like you can put one of the ovals in it. I haven't tried it yet though. Also Bellamy got some stuff out of Tom. He made these ovals, he stole stuff from the Ark as Chancellor to make these. Bell had to use the lighting rod on Tom, so we are giving him time to recover before asking more questions. Oh shit! I found these words power over life on the box, I don't know Latin so I'm still trying to figure that out."

"I might know how to translate it." Clarke said. "You should try putting one of the ovals into the DVD looking thing. Also tell Bellamy I want to keep Tom alive."

"Okay Clarkie. Also we don't have a nightblood to try it on."

"I don't think you need one for these ones." Lexa said.

"It's Lexiepoo!" Raven yelled. Clarke laughed as she groaned. "I was also thinking about this, so what if Lexa takes the flame out of her and puts it into another nightblood, would they see Clexa getting dirty or what?"

They both choked on nothing and turned red. "Uh, lets uh, let's not try that." Clarke stuttered out. "First of all why do you think of these things?"

"Murphy and I were talking about it."

"Why were you talking about this?" Lexa asked.

"I don't even know. Anyways I'll figure this thing out and you go do whatever you need to do." Raven said.

"Okay, bye Reyes." Clarke said.

"Bye Clexa."

Clarke put the radio down and Aden and Madi came out of the house. They cooked meat and ate it before going back to the Cave where Nova was tied up.

They pushed the cave door open and saw Nova drawing in the dirt with her finger. "I'm gonna die of boredom." Nova said.

"What's power over life in Latin." Clarke said.

"Potestatem vitae." Nova said. Lexa walked over and loosed her ties a little. "Thanks." Nova said, rubbing her wrists.

"What if we offer to free her but she has to do something for us." Clarke said. "I want to see if I can take the oval thing out and test it."

"Could that kill her?" She asked Clarke.

"We've taken you out of your head and you're alive so no? I don't know though." Clarke said.

"We have an offer." Lexa started. "We take out what's in your head and you can be free as long as we think you aren't a threat."

"I don't have anything in my head." Nova said.

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