Chapter 1

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Clarke POV

Day 1

Her eyes slowly opened. Everything came back to her. Praimfaya. She groaned, trying to move. The light hurt her eyes, after a few moments they adjusted. She sat up slowly, groaning. She was covered in stone and gravel.

Lexa. She looked around her but just broke rocks and wood. Her heart broke. "No. No no no." She said, moving the rocks. She got up and ignored the pain. She saw a big pile of ruble and she made her way over. She saw a little bit of brown hair peeking out.

She moved the rocks out of the way and saw part of Lexa's face. "Oh my Becca." She said, moving more. 

"Clarke." Lexa groaned out. "Lex, you're okay." She kept moving the rocks. "Shoulder." Lexa moaned.

She kept uncovering Lexa until she was out. She helped Lexa up with a cry of pain. Lexa cupped her face and wiped dirt off of it. "You're alive." Lexa said in a raspy voice. 

"You're gonna kill me for following you, aren't you?" Lexa said. She laughed softly.

"We need to get to Becca's lab." She said. "Where are we?" Lexa asked. "Near Becca's lab?" "It's all sand?" "Come on, I'll explain on the way." She said. They wrapped their arms around each other for support and started to the lab.

"Did they make it? Bellamy and them?" She asked. "Yeah." Lexa smiled. She smiled. The lab came into view and they walked faster.

She tried to open the door but it didn't move. "Damn it." She cursed. Lexa tried but nothing. She kept trying but Lexa pulled her away. 

"Clarke, it's not gonna open." Lexa said, wrapped her injured arm around her. "Where's the rover?" She asked. "Clarke." "Lexa we need to-" "Clarke!" Lexa said, making her look at her. "Clarke, relax." "For all we know we are the last two people alive!" She said, stressing out.

Lexa brought her into a kiss. She kissed back, cupping Lexa faces, forgetting everything. They rested their foreheads together. "Clarke, you're okay, we are okay." Lexa said. She nodded and Lexa hugged her, as best as she could with one arm. She put her head in Lexa's neck.

They pulled away. "Come on, let's get to high ground to look around." Lexa said. "Yeah." She said. They walked to a mountain of sand and they saw green trees, grass, flowers, and a bird. "Louwoda Kliron." Lexa said. "It didn't get hit." She said, taking a step forward.

Her foot hit something hard. She kneeled down and brushed some sand away. "The rover." She gasped, digging out the rover. Lexa started to help.

A little while later the rover was dug out enough she could drive it out. Lexa moved out of the way as she backed it up. "You coming?" She asked. Lexa hesitated. "You can walk if you want." She said. Lexa got into the vehicle. "Commander scared of a little ride?" "Clarke, this isn't little." "You'll live." She said, starting to drive.

Lexa was holding on as if she was gonna fly out. She found this amusing. It was dusk when the got to Louwoda Kliron

"What is this?" Lexa asked, picking up a radio. "Oh my god! That's a radio! Lexa!" "Yay?" She pressed some buttons and turned some dails. "This is Clarke Griffin, can anyone hear me?" She asked. Static was all she heard. "This is Clarke Griffin, is anyone out there?" She tried a second time.

She waited until she heard. "Clarke?" "Mom?" "Clarke, you're-" The radio cut out. "Mom, Lexa and I are okay." "Clarke the- jammed." "What?" "We can't get out." "What's wrong?" "-Won't-" "You're breaking up, is the door jammed?" "Yes. Clarke things are bad-algae-broke." "What?" "Abby, you aren't allowed in here." "Octavia?" "I love you Clarke." "I love you. Mom?" She felt tears come to her eyes. "Mom?" Static again.

Lexa put a hand on her thigh. She put the radio down and wiped her eyes. They got out and she opened the back. She found a bag of rations. "Lex, come here." Lexa made her way over to her. She continued to look. She found a med kit and a map with some other stuff. "Let me look at your shoulder." She said, as Lexa climbed into back.

Lexa sat down and she slowly took off Lexa's shirt. Lexa groaned as she got it over her shoulder. "Sorry." She said. She started to inspect it. "It's dislocated." She said. "Just do it." Lexa said, through gritted teeth. "You want-" She popped it in. Lexa grunted. She kissed Lexa's cheek.

"I know you aren't gonna listen but, take it easy." She said. "I'll try." Lexa said. She moved some stuff out of the way to make a place to sleep. "We'll sleep in here tonight and tomorrow we can find a cave or something." She said. "I can go hunting." Lexa said. "You're not doing that, we have a good amount of rations." She said, moving next to Lexa, who was sitting on the edge of the rover.

"Looks like I'm stuck with you for the next few years." She said. "Lucky you." Lexa smiled. She laughed. She grabbed two packs of rations. 

"These better not have those nuts in here that you ate when you first got sent down." Lexa said. "Were you spying on us?" She asked. "You'll never find out." Lexa said, putting a few nuts in her mouth.

"I was more scared of Anya than you." She said. "So, about to wipe out your whole camp wasn't scary?" Lexa smiled. "You know what I mean." She laughed. "Tell me about when you met Anya."

"We met on a bridge, it was supposed to be me, Lincoln and Octavia, I think, but three others came, hiding in the woods. Anya and two guards came up on horses. I was too busy looking at the horses to see grounders in the trees. Anya walked over and was all business. I tried to shake her hand which she totally ignored. I tried to make a deal with her, she shot it down, and you sent 300 men to kill us." She said. Your men got killed by a 17 year old girl." She teased.

"I let you win." She started to laugh. "Like you let me top?" She laughed. "I still don't know what that means." Lexa huffed. She put an arm around Lexa and kissed her temple. "You're cute." She said. "I'm not cute." Lexa mumbled. "You're adorable." She said. Lexa pouted. She kissed Lexa. "I'm still waiting to be proved wrong." She said.

"When I fight, am I cute?" Lexa asked. "No, you're sexy and hot plus badass but mainly sexy and hot." She said. "Still don't know what sexy means either." "I'll teach you Skaikru slang." "Slang?" She giggled at how clueless Lexa was.

They finished eating and laid down. She shut and locked all the doors before laying next to Lexa. They were spooning and of course Lexa was the little spoon. "Reshop little spoon." "Front spoon." Lexa corrected. She laughed softly. "Don't let the bed bugs bite." Lexa mumbled, "Skypeople." She smiled and kissed Lexa's cheek.

She wrapped her arms around Lexa and tangled their legs, before falling asleep.


When you've read every Clexa fanfic and can't find any more so I figured I would write one. I know this is really bad so bare with me until it gets better. I'll try to update as much as I can. 


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