Chapter 16

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Clarke POV

Day 453   

    Clarke was at the pod with Lexa. She was talking to Tom on the radio.

    "Nova I'm gonna try to board the Ark. Do you think anyone's on it?" Tom asked.

    "I don't know." Clarke said, looking at Lexa. She made sure Tom couldn't hear her. "Lex, go tell Raven to hide and get ready. I don't know what he will do to Raven." She told Lexa.

    "Okay." Lexa said. Lexa kissed her. "Love you." Lexa said, against her lips.

    "I love you too." Clare said, as Lexa sprinted off.

    "Nova you there?"

    "Sorry the radio cut out, say that again." She said.

    "I'm boarding the ship."

    Clarke started to stall. "Are you sure it's a good idea? I mean for all we know there could be more savages."

    "I'll be okay. I'll talk to you later."

    "Okay." She put the radio down and started to run to the village.

Raven POV

    Raven was walking by the radio when she heard a voice.

    "Is anyone there? Anyone?" She picked up the radio.

    "It's Reyes." She said, into the radio.

    "Raven! You need to hide. Someone is boarding your ship soon and they want something with you. Tell the others to get ready. It is at least one person but Raven you need to go." Lexa sounded worried.

    "Okay commander. I'll go play hide and seek."


    "Okay okay, I'll go."

    "Okay, be safe."

    "I will." She said.

She walked out and ran into Bellamy. She started to tell him what was happening. They ran off getting ready. Echo and her ran to a room and got weapons.

She saw a small ship coming to the Ark. "Why can't we live happily ever after and not be fighting for our lives." Raven sighed.

"We'll survive like we always do." Echo said. She saw the ship enter. She loaded her gun and they started to sneak around.

She saw a man walk in with a gun. Bellamy snuck up behind him and knocked him out. The man fell down and they dragged him to a room.

Bellamy tied him to a chair. "I was expecting a whole army, not a man." Bellamy said.

The man started to wake up after a while. "I'll question him, Murphy goes with Raven and search the ship he came in." Bellamy order.

"I don't want to go with her, she'll lock me in the ship and then float me." Murphy protested. Bellamy gave him a look. "Fine." Murphy sighed.

They walked out and went to the ship. They looked but found nothing weird. They continued though.

A few minutes later she found a small box with a weird infinity symbol. The symbol was more boxy then round. "Smurphy, get over here." Raven called. Murphy came jogging over.

"You find anything?" Murphy asked, walking up beside her. Murphy saw what she was holding. "Is that Becca's infinity symbol? It looks different."

"I don't know." Raven said. They walked over to a table and placed the box down. She saw a lock on the hatch. She pulled a bobby pin out of her hair and picked it. "Damn I'm good." She said to herself.

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