Chapter 7

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Clarke POV

Day 70

She woke up to someone opening the door, cold air blew in. She opened her eyes and heard Lexa softly talking to herself, she figured she was talking to the commanders. She looked over to the door and saw Madi walking over.

"Hey." She said, softly. "You okay?" She sat up.

"I had a nightmare." Madi said, quietly. This wasn't uncommon for her, but she never woke any of them up.

She got out of bed and kissed Lexa's head. She led Madi back to where Aden and her were staying. It was cold so they went quickly.

She laid down with Madi. "What did you dream about?" She asked, softly.

"The flamekeepers took us away and I never saw you guys again." Madi said, as she drew shapes on her back, a trick she learned when Lexa would have her share bad dreams. Madi wrapped her arms around her, worried she was gonna leave.

"The flamekeepers won't hurt anyone, they aren't here any more." She said, softly. Madi nodded. She kept drawing on Madi's back with her finger until her breathing evened out and she soon fell asleep again.

Lexa POV

    She woke up the next morning to an empty bed. She figured Clarke went to the bathroom or something. She grabbed her coat and started the fire. She could see her breath. it was that cold.

    They were prepared for winter. Madi and Aden would go looking for nuts and other stuff they could ration. Her and Clarke would go hunting and they would make blankets and coats with the furs.

    By the time the fire was a good size, Aden came out and sat next to her. "Have you seen Clarke?" She asked, a little worried. Aden smiled.

"Go look." He said, pointing to where Madi and him were staying. She looked at Aden confused but got up and went to the house next to theirs.

    She quietly opened the door and saw Clarke and Madi cuddled up on Madi's bed. She smiled and shut the door softly. She walked back over to the fire and sat down next to Aden.

    "I think she had a pretty bad dream." Aden said. "She'll sometimes climb in with me but she hasn't woken you guys up." Aden broke a stick and threw it into the fire.

"I know you care about her." She said.

"She is like a little sister." Aden said. "Also she's been asking me why she heard screaming one night at the cave, so make up an excuse while you have a chance." Aden said, getting up. Her jaw dropped and her face turned red. "I've known since you came back to Polis after Mount Weather." Aden smiled going into the woods.

A few minutes later, Clarke walked out with Madi. Clarke sat down and kissed her cheek. Madi plopped down next Clarke.

"I'm gonna go see if I can get any fish before they water freezers over." She said, as she saw Aden come back.

"Okay, I'll make more blankets or whatever." Clarke said, getting up. "I'll also check the radio." She kissed Clarke. "Be careful." Clarke said, softly.

"I'll make sure the fish don't drown me." She joked, putting a hat on. Clarke pulled the hat over her eyes. "Rude." She laughed, fixing the hat. Clarke smiled and she kissed Clarke's cheek.

    She grabbed a spear and went to the river. Nothing was frozen so she could still get something.

    After about an hour she had three fish. She found a stick and put the fishes on the stick to make carrying it easier. She walked back to the village and put the fish in a box they made. The box kept the fish fresh and since it was cold it helped as well.

    She didn't see anyone so she went into the house and saw Clarke on the bed, drawing. She shut the door and Clarke looked up. "I got three more fish." She said, taking off her hat and coat.

    "I think we'll be okay, as long as we stay warm." Clarke said, as she sat on the bed. "I'm also making a map for each of us." Clarke said, handing her a piece of paper. "It's nothing much but in case someone gets lost."

    She took it and looked at it, it was a simple but detailed map, it had the village, the lake, the river, their old cave, and a few other things. "That was a good idea." She said, kissing Clarke.

    "I got through to Raven for a few minutes. Everyone's okay, Raven just ranted to me about the algae." Clarke said, as she moved into the bed more.

"I'll take eating fish everyday over algae." She said.

"I will too." Clarke laughed, laying down. "I still haven't heard from the bunker." Clarke said, running a hand through her hair.

"I'm sure they are okay." She said, pulling Clarke into her.

"I hope so." Clarke said, cuddling into her.

They laid there as Clarke played with her hair. "I still can't believe the commander talks in her sleep." Clarke teased. She laughed softly.

"Do I wake you?" She asked.

"No, I don't know what you are saying but I can hear you talking softly last night." Clarke said. "What was happening?"

"They were giving advice on how to survive winter. I think we'll be good." She smiled. "If anything we are over prepared." She smiled. Clarke kissed her and she brushed blonde hair out of Clarke's face.

"Oh we need an excuse for you screaming in the cave." She teased.

"That was you. I don't scream if anything you do or almost do." Clarke laughed. She rolled her eyes.

"I was tickling you and you were laughing. Boom! I'm the next Raven Reyes." Clarke laughed.

"First of all I am not ticklish." She said, playfully hitting Clarke's arm. A smile came onto Clarke's face. "No, don't do it." She said.

Clarke started to tickle her and she started to laugh. "Clarke!" She laughed.

"Not ticklish?" Clarke laughed. They were both laughing now. "Okay! I'm ticklish!" She laughed, trying to push Clarke off of her. "Stop!" She laughed.

Clarke finally stopped and they were both laughing. "I can't breathe!" They laughed. "Oh my god!" Clarke laughed. Clarke rolled off of her as they laughed.

They stopped laughing after a while and she kissed Clarke. "You are so ticklish." Clarke smiled.

"Just a little." She said.

"Just a little?" Clarke laughed.

"Also sorry if I worried you this morning." Clarke said.

"I wasn't too worried." She said.

"Stop lying." Clarke laughed. She kissed Clarke softly and they went outside after putting their coats on.

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