Chapter 6

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Lexa POV

Day 42

They moved to the village where Aden and Madi were staying. They moved into a bigger house than Madi and Aden. The rover was parked near their house and Madi was talking a little more.
    Clarke and her were by the lake. Clarke and her were walking the lake side. She picked up a rock and skipped it. "How'd you do that?" Clarke asked, as she picked up another one.
    "Skipping rocks?" She asked. Clarke picked on up and tried to skip it but failed.
"Yeah." Clarke said. She skipped another one. Clarke was in awe. She picked one up and handed it to Clarke.
    "Pretend you're gonna skip it but don't." She said. Clarke got into the position and she smiled.
"What?" Clarke asked, looking at her.
"Nothing." She smiled, walking over to Clarke.
    She moved Clarke into the right position. She kissed Clarke's cheek, getting behind her to show her the motion. Clarke was to focus on their bodies touching rather than the motion and when Clarke did it, it just fell into the water.
    Clarke groaned and she laughed. "Focus on what I'm showing you, not me touching you." She laughed, getting Clarke into the position again. Clarke tried again and was successful with two skips.
    "Yes!" Clarke celebrated. She laughed at Clarke's childness.
"You're almost as good as a five year old." She said, helping Clarke into the position again.
    "Party pooper." Clarke said. Clarke skipped it and the rock skipped three times. "Am I as good as a five year old now?" Clarke asked.
"Yes you are." She laughed, kissing Clarke's cheek.
    After a few more tries Clarke got the position down. Clarke was getting at least four skips each time. Clarke was smiling as she laughed. "I wish we could skip rocks in space." Clarke said.
    Clarke was distracted, so she snuck up behind her and picked her up bridal style. "Don't you dare throw me into the lake." Clarke said.
"Thanks for the idea." She laughed, walking closer to the lake.
"Alexandria whatever the rest of your name is!" Clarke said, trying to escape. "I'll take away your kissing privileges for ever how long until Raven and them come down." Clarke said. She sighed and put her down.
"Thanks." Clarke said, picking her up and then throwing her. The water was cold due to winter in a few weeks. She surfaced and started to walk towards Clarke. Clarke's eyes widened and Clarke started to run. She ran after Clarke.
She caught up and put her over her shoulder. "Lexa!" Clarke laughed.
"Come on, the water is nice." She said, walking into the lake a little.
She threw Clarke into the water. Clarke surfaced gasping. "The water is freezing!" Clarke gasped, as she quickly got out. She was laughing as Clarke hugged her, both soaking wet. She kissed Clarke as she wrapped her arms around Clarke.
"I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too." Clarke said, kissing her. Clarke kissed her forehead and moved the wet hair of her face.
"We should probably get warmed up before we freeze to death." She said, giving Clarke a peck on the lips.
"Yeah." Clarke laughed softly. She gave Clarke one last peck on the lips and they headed off to the village.
They saw Aden and Madi kicking a leather ball, laughing. Madi kicked the ball past Aden and Madi laughed. Aden picked Madi up and spun in circles as they both laughed.
They went into the house that they were staying in and got changed. They brought their wet clothes to the campfire to dry off. They sat by the fire to warm up.
They were talking quietly when Madi sat down next to Clarke. Madi has been warming up to Clarke more than her. "Why did you get sent to the ground?" Madi asked.
"We lived in a giant metal ship called the Ark. The oxygen was failing and we couldn't fix it, so they sent 100 kids to the ground to see if it was survivable." Clarke said, as Aden walked over and sat next to her.
"Why did they send kids?" Madi asked.
"On the Ark the rules had to be followed because we thought we were the last of the human race and if you broke them you would have to go to something called the skybox. At eighteen you got reviewed to see if you could be freed or be floated. Our leader Jaha thought it was the best for the ones that broke the rules to go down. It would give us a chance for life."
    "Why were you put into the skybox?" Madi asked, getting more and more curious.
"My dad worked on the oxygen in the Ark, he found out that it was failing and wanted to tell everyone but the leaders of the Ark didn't agree. He was floated and I was put in the sky box because they were scared I was gonna help him."
    Madi asked some more questions about the Ark. "How did you and Lexa meet?" Clarke laughed softly and she smiled. She heard Aden chuckle next to her.
"I'll tell you my side and then Lexa will tell you her's." Clarke said. Madi smiled and nodded.
    "After the 100 came down the rest of the Ark came down. Lexa wasn't happy about us being there, so she came to wipe us out. We knew about Mount Weather and other things that could be useful. Octavia's boyfriend became a reaper and we cured him. I went to talk to Lexa to make a deal with her. She was all grumpy but expected the deal after we showed her Octavia's boyfriend."
Madi giggled at the last part as she rolled her eyes.
"One of the kids from the 100 killed some of her warriors, so once he was dead we could have peace. I think she was just a tiny bit jealous because he was my boyfriend." Aden and Madi laughed.
"The commander doesn't get jealous. " She said.
"So what about that one time where I hugged Bellamy and you almost killed him." Clarke laughed.
"I didn't know if you wanted to be hugged." She said. They all started to laugh.
"Anyway, we made the alliance and we started to plan against Mount Weather." Clarke finished, putting an arm around her.
She leaned into Clarke as she started to tell her side. "A man named Kane came to talk to me soon after the Ark landed. I dressed up as a girl and went into the pit with Kane. I also had Jaha, their leader. I gave them a knife and they had to kill one of them to be freed, I think I said. Kane tried to get Jaha to kill him but Jaha tried to kill me. That did not help you guys at all." She said.
"I went to go wipe Skaikru out but Clarke went to talk to me and I accepted the deal. Indra tried to kill Clarke at least five times." She said.
"What happened after Mount Weather?" Madi asked. She tensed and Clarke rubbed her arm. Leaving Clarke there was her biggest regret and still hasn't forgave herself for doing it.
"Lexa took a deal to let her people go but they had to leave. I would have done the same thing if I got offered it. Skaikru took down the Mountain and everyone went back to Camp Jaha or Skaikru. I left my people because I felt bad for what I did. Lexa decided to kidnap me and bring me to Polis." Clarke laughed.
"I did not kidnap you, I told Roan to bring you to me." She said. "So Roan kidnapped me?" Clarke laughed. "Yeah." She laughed. "And then you held me prisoner." "For your safety." She pointed out. Clarke chuckled.
"Skaikru joined the coalition and everything was happy." Clarke said.
"Where is the rest of Skaikru?" Madi asked.
"In a bunker with the other kru's and a few of Skaikru and one Azegda is in the sky." Clarke said.
Madi asked about them and Clarke told them stories. It felt like everything was normal, whatever normal was, but they were happy.
Thank you for the votes and reads!

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