Chapter 11

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Lexa POV

Day 241

She was in a dropship coming down from space. She started to press buttons as she fell. A parachute deployed and she started to fall slowly but still quickly. She looked around and saw she was in a spacesuit.

A moment later, she landed. She got out and saw everything destroyed. She took off her helmet and took a deep breath, breathing in the fresh air. She looked around and saw people in orange suits and glass helmets.

She woke up and looked around, seeing that she was still in the village. She relaxed and took a deep breath. She looked down at Clarke who was still asleep, with her mouth open and a little bit of drool on the corner of her mouth. She smiled to herself.

It took her a moment to realize what she just saw in her dream. Becca. The first commander. She hasn't spoken to anyone in a very long time, the last time she talked to a commander was at most five commanders ago.

She was trying to figure out what it meant and she heard Clarke mumbled something. "You're thinking too loud." Clarke pulled her closer and she cuddled into Clarke.

"Sorry." She whispered. Clarke mumbled something else but she couldn't hear it. She kissed Clarke's forehead and fell back asleep.

The next morning she woke to Clarke tracing her arm tattoo. "Hi." She husked.

"Hey." Clarke said, smiling slightly. "What happened last night?" Clarke asked, pushing hair out of her face.

"Becca, the first Heda, I saw her dropping from the sky. I don't know what it means? She hasn't contacted any commanders in a long time. Do you know anything?" She told Clarke.

"When we were in Polis, you had the commanders show you their deaths and you got shot. If Becca's was the first Heda, does it mean like a new beginning or something? I don't know?" Clarke thought aloud.

"Maybe, I'll see if Aden says anything about things feeling off, he knew something was gonna happen on the day the 100 came down, don't say anything though." She said. Clarke nodded. She kissed Clarke.

"I love you." She said. Clarke smiled.

"I love you. Madi wants to go explore and Aden will take her so we'll have about an hour or two of alone time." Clarke said, kissing her. She smiled into the kiss.

They got up after a few minutes and started the fire. By the time the meat was done Aden and Madi were awake and sitting on a log. They ate and talked.

After they ate, Madi and Aden went off into the woods. Madi had a knife and Aden had a knife and a spear.

They waited until they were out of sight and then she pulled Clarke back into the house.

They were laying in bed naked. Clarke was mindlessly tracing her abs. "Aden and Madi will be back soon, and I don't know about you, I don't want them seeing us naked." Clarke said, kissing her.

She groaned pulling Clarke closer as Clarke tried to get up. Clarke laughed softly and kissed her head. "Fine." She groaned, sitting up.

Clarke giggled and kissed her. They got dressed just as Madi and Aden came back. She saw Madi was holding something in her hand. Madi ran over to them and showed them what she found. It was a book called James and the Giant Peach.

"We found a bunker and I found this! I don't know what it is though but it looks cool." Madi said, looking at it. Madi handed it to Clarke.

"I think this was a book that people would read before the bombs. We had books on the Ark but they were history books." Clarke said, looking at it. Clarke handed it back to Madi and Madi smiled.

She looked at Aden who had a small smile on his face. She put a hand on Clarke's back and Clarke looked at her smiling. "Oh, Clarke, I found these in the bunker, I don't know if they work but figured I would grab them." Aden said, pulling a container of colored pencils out of his bag.

Clarke's face lit up and took them from Aden. "Thanks." Clarke smiled. Aden nodded.

They went through the day and nothing happened. She was listening or looking for something the whole day but nothing came. Clarke could tell that she was on edge and she could tell Clarke was also looking out for anything unusual. 


Things are happening! Thanks for the reads and votes!


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