Chapter 12

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(Italics are trig, the radio will still be in italics but after that it's trig.)

Clarke POV

Day 370

    Nothing has since Lexa got the dream of Becca falling from the sky, although Lexa had been seeing them land on the ground and stuff like that. Everything was normal as far as she knew. Aden was on edge all day but he didn't say anything.

    They were in Madi's room getting their warpaint done. Madi convinced Lexa to do hers. Lexa was doing Madi's. She realized that Lexa was doing Anya's warpaint. She smiled softly to herself.

    She did Aden which was similar to Octavia's in the conclave. After she did Aden's she did Lexa's. "I haven't seen the raccoon in awhile." She teased as she finished. Lexa rolled her eyes. She kissed Lexa's cheek.

    Lexa did her's and it was similar to Lexa's. She had everything the same but she had lines going through her eyes, starting above her eyebrow to the bottom of her nose. "Now you look like a raccoon." Lexa said. She laughed.

    They went outside and they started to fight with swords they made out of wood. Madi stopped fighting and was looking at something in the sky. "What's that?" Madi asked, pointing to the sky. They all turned around and looked up.

    There was a box falling from the sky. "Could that be Raven?" Lexa asked.

"No." She said. "I'll be back." She said, running to the rover. She opened the door and got in. "Raven or anyone listen? I need to talk to anyone." She said. She waited a moment. "This is Clarke Griffin, Raven or can anyone hear me?"

"Hey Griff." Raven said.

"Raven! Are you coming down to earth?"

"No why?"

"Look out the window and do you see anything?" She heard Raven move.

"I see a box. Is everything okay?"

"Somethings coming from the sky. I need to go, I'll update you."

"Be careful."

"I will."

She put the radio down and ran back over to Lexa and them. "It's not Raven." She said. "She sees a box but it's not her."

Madi took Aden's hand. "Aden and Madi, stay here, Clarke and I will check it out." Lexa said. Aden nodded.

Lexa and her grabbed weapons, Lexa grabbed a spear with a few knives and she grabbed her bow and arrows plus one or two knives.

Madi ran up behind her and hugged her. "If you want you can go see if Raven or anyone is at the radio, okay?" She said, squatting down to Madi's level. Madi nodded and hugged her again. "Listen to Aden. We'll be back." She kissed Madi's head.

"May we meet again." Madi said.

"We will meet again." She smiled. She hugged Aden and Lexa hugged Madi.

Her and Lexa ran off. "I feel really badass right now." She said, as her and Lexa jogged to the ship. Lexa laughed. "Is this how you feel all the time?" She laughed.

"Yeah." Lexa laughed. "Now do you see why I alway wear the warpaint?" Lexa said, as they jogged. She laughed and kept jogging.

"I kind of regret giving Madi permission to talk Raven." She said, thinking about the thing Raven could tell her.

"Maybe she'll talk to Monty or Bellamy or someone." Lexa said. She laughed and took her bow off her shoulder.

Lexa and her slowed down to a walk. Lexa kissed her. "Mhm the two of the three most dangerous women in the world are kissing as they could be going to war." She said. Lexa laughed. "We just need Octavia and we'll have the trio." She said. Lexa chuckled.

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