Can't sleep

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After dinner, Sora walks upstairs into his room, turning on his red LED lights. He couldn't go live on TikTok because of his mood, even though he promised his fans that he would go live. He lays on the bed nexts to his huge teddy bear, thinking about...her. He was slowly regretting his decision. Maybe he confessed too early.

This isn't the first time he's been heartbroken. The first girl he fell in love with decided to go out with him, but the next day she was seen with another guy holding hands, so he broke it off with her. Another girl he loved pretended to love him back but she just wanted nothing but sėx from him. After she got what she wanted, she told the truth and told him to leave. Sora buried himself in his blanket, trying to forget the cold memories. He lost hope and couldn't get Maddy out of his head.

It was 10pm. After 5 minutes of forcing himself to sleep, he finally surrendered and grabbed his phone. Scrolling through TikTok, he read the comments on his recent POV post. His fans were constantly spamming "where's the live Sora?" "You promised you would go live!" "We miss you Sora." He decided to make a comment saying "Sorry guys, I'm a bit too tired to go live today, but I promise I'll go live tomorrow night. Besos."

He closed TikTok and decided to FaceTime with one of his close friends, Jared. He answered immediately. "Sup bro, how was the date?" Sora fell miserable. "She um...she doesn't want a relationship right now..." Jared's mood went from cheerful to disappointment. "You serious? I thought she liked you bro." Sora played with his curls. "I thought the same. I couldn't tell if she was flirting or just playing around with me, she was giving me mixed signals." Sora covered his eyes. "Love her, man."

"You'll find someone bro, I promise you, it's not the end of the world." Jared tried his best to convince him. Sora had no choice but to agree with him. Jared felt sympathy towards Sora. "I'm here if you need anything. Let's hang sometime, yeah?" Sora uncovered his eyes. "Aight man, I'll see you." He ended the call and finally went to sleep.

To be continued...

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