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[No one]

The ceasefire was finally coming down. The teams were standing on their sides of the flag. They were trying to decide who takes down the flag.

"Grian, watch out!" Grian heard Xavier's voice and managed to back out of the way before the TNT blew up Mumbo, Welsknight and Tango.

The teams started running around in chaos as the ceasefire was now down. The G-team quickly grabbed their friend's stuff and ran to the meeting room where Grian gave them instructions.


Me and Stress were heading to the battlefield together. I saw the team S.T.A.R members running towards us.

"Don't let them to our base!" I shouted to Stress who nodded.

I looked to their base and saw the ghast that Impulse was controlling. I grinned, the ghasts were not something I like that much. I had spent too much time in the Nether with Sherenidy, who really liked those creatures.

I saw False running towards me. Our swords glanced together. Again and again. I wasn't that good at PvP. I quickly took out a splash potion of harming and threw it to her. She fell back a bit while taking damage. I quickly backed away throwing my trident at her. It cut her right hand and she grinned.

I turned around and ran away from her. She was too good at PvP. I saw that Stress and Iskall were fighting with Xisuma and Wels and Jevin was trying to beat Mumbo in PvP.

I slight pain hit my right leg as Doc's trident hit it. I turned around to face the half creeper. His trident flew towards me again but I dodged it. He smirked. I took out another splash potion of harming and was about to throw it when I realized that it was wrong one. I quickly put it away knowing that it was a potion that would automatically kill them opponent. I had accidentally taken some of the potions that weren't in the basic game, some of the Main Watchers created those.

I looked at Doc who was a bit confused after I didn't throw the potion, but he threw his trident to me again. I went through my inventory trying to find a potions that I could actually use. I didn't have anything else than the Watchers' potions. I gridded my teeth as Doc's trident flew towards me again.

I took my diamond sword and attacked him. I managed to make a bit damage, but so managed he. I backed away as I saw Cleo running towards us and attacking Doc. I took out a potion of regeneration and took a sip from it.

I froze and moved my eyes to the potion. The potion fell to the ground as I started coughing. I crouched and saw Cleo quickly looking at me while she tried to fight Doc. My vision was a bit blurry and everything was spinning. I threw up on the ground which made both, Cleo and Doc, look at me and slow down their fight. I fell on my knees throwing up again. I started at the potion couching furiously. Cleo and Doc were slowing down their fight and looked at me.

I knew exactly what I had just drunk. Godiva, Kasen and Sherenidy, who usually made the potions we used, had made a lot of fake healing and regeneration potions. We dealt with capturing people a lot and those were useful when the target was injured. They didn't knock you out or kill you, that was the problem. I was such a fool! I had just fallen for our own trick!

I threw up as the world spun around me. Now Cleo and Doc were running towards me. I was sitting on my knees hugging myself trying not to fell or throw up. Cleo put her hand on my shoulder and made me drink something that looked like potion of healing. Doc was typing something on his communicator. The potion Cleo gave me didn't help at all, it made my situation worse. That was one of the problems too, healing and regeneration potions made the situation worse. Now I threw up something red. Cleo quickly shouted something to Doc.

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