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[No one]

     Xelqua stood in the battlefield. He saw his siblings fighting against the creature. Alden and Winslow were flying above it. Chet was trying to help Upton up from the ground where he was laying limp. Edita and Kasen were dodging the snake-like-magics. Godiva and Oskari were using their Watcher-magics. Irwin, Mao and Blake were fighting with their swords. And behind every was standing the person he had originally been looking for. She was communicating with Deger.

Xelqua moved his glare to the creature and summoned Peacekeeper and Silencer. He had to fight.

Irwin was thrown straight to Chet, who fell to the ground on top limp Upton. Xelqua shouted Irwin's name as the boy hit the ground and didn't get up. Then he heard a horrifying scream and turned around to see Godiva's head flying and felling on the ground with a slight thumb. The air was filled with voices of people screaming their dead sister's name.

Xelqua couldn't just watch his sister die. He pulled out his admin screen and blasted it with Watcher-magic. He saw the raven haired Watcher's head dissappear from the ground and appear on the rest of the body. Mao used this change and ran to their sister taking her from the ground and throwing straight to Xelqua, who caught her, even though they both fell on the ground.

Xelqua quickly checked and saw that she was now slowly breathing. He had been quick enough. The admin-Watcher were able to mess with the time which made it possible to save someone from the dead if they were quick enough. He didn't know if he could do that again.

Sherenidy was now crouching next to Godiva's limp body. Xelqua looked at his mentor.

"She'll be alright if nothing else happens to her. 𝙹ꖎ╎!" Sherenidy called The Main Watcher, who turned around and flied to them keeping his shield up.

"Go to ᓵ⍑ᒷℸ ̣ , ⚍!¡ and ╎∷∴╎リ and keep the injured ones safe," The Main Leaders left hand commanded.

"Got it!" Oskari nodded.

He took the limp female and quickly flied to his brothers. Chet was now sitting up and Irwin was moving his hand, Upton was still laying limp.

"Can you fight?" Sherenidy asked making Xelqua raise his head and look into her eyes behind the mask.

"Yes," Xelqua nodded.

Sherenidy nodded back and they quickly ran towards the creature ready to attack. Xelqua hit the creature with his blades and dodged a snake-like-magic that the creature send towards him. He saw in the corner of his eye as the magic hit Kasen, who fell backwards but got up after hitting the ground.

The battle had already lasted for a long time and everyone was staring to get tired. Xelqua managed to dodge a magic burst right before it hit him. Mao got thrown away and hit Oskari's shield falling limp. Oskari tried to move his shield but another snake-like-magic hit the limp male on the ground cutting his left leg off. As the magic left, Oskari pulled Mao behind the shield with himself, Upton, Irwin, Chet, Godiva and Blake, who had gotten hit by the magic and injured badly.

Sherenidy stood there watching her siblings try their best to survive. Tears started slowly falling down on her cheeks as she felt guilty for her mistakes.

"What a mess have you gotten yourself into, little bird," Sam's voice rang through her mind.

"I'll have to fix this," She whispered and took a step closer to the fight.

"Then we'll do it. Remember that I need something in return then," Sam smirked.

"What do you want?" The female Watcher asked.

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