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[No one]

Xelqua was an hour too early at the HQ so he ended up walking to the living room. In the living room he saw a blonde Watcher sitting in the couch reading a book and his mentor standing next to the window sipping hot chocolate. Shen had her hood down and her long pumpkin hairs were open. Xelqua walked to her and nodded to Chet while walking past the couch.

"It's snowing outside," Sherenidy said turning around to look at Xelqua.

"What? No way! I was just outside," Xelqua answered and turned to look out of the window.

The young Watcher was right, outside was snowing. Xelqua leaned on the window looking outside.

"This year everyone has the 24th day off. We decided to do that so everyone can spend the day at their server's Christmas parties. Then we'll separate Christmas together here on the 25th day," Sherenidy explained to Xelqua.

"Hey ̇/ᒷꖎ, is Mr. Void holding a party in Hermitcraft?" Xelqua turned around to look at his brother.

"Not sure. I heard some people talk about it, so I guess so," Xelqua shrugged.

"Yes X is holding a Christmas party in Hermitcraft," Sherenidy leaned her back on the wall behind her.

"How do you know that?" Xelqua was curious.

"He invited me and Xenex to come!" Sherenidy explained.

"Wait, what?" Xelqua was surprised.

"We tend to hide it, but we are actually really close. We've known each other for around 10 years. Let's just say that they were there when my family wasn't," Sherenidy looked outside of the window.

"What you mean by that?" Chet was now curious too.

"Well, when me and Zan were kids, our parents knew that she was a witch and wanted her to be successful. They didn't have time for me since back then I hadn't yet discovered my Watcher powers. I met 'Suma and Xen when I was 5. I was just hanging out outside when I saw them for the first time. They came talk to me since I was all alone and we became friends. I spent more time with them than my actual family. Now they are like brothers to me since my own sister doesn't seem to be good enough," Xelqua could hear the anger in the female's voice when she talked about her sister.

"But we tend to hide the fact that we are close so people don't miss understand. If people knew, they might think that I gave them some kind of special treatment. I don't want anyone to think that," Sherenidy ended and looked at Xelqua and Chet.

Xelqua nodded slowly.

"Still something more you haven't told us?" Chet joked.

Xelqua could see Shen froze for a second before starting to laugh. She punched Chet on the shoulder playfully.

"Hey, hey, hey! Why would you think that?" She laughed.

Xelqua smiled too.

"Well, I'll have to go see ᒷ↸ and ꖌᔑᓭ," he said and started walking towards the door.

Sherenidy and Chet nodded smiling when he stepped out of the door. He headed towards the room where Edita and Kasen would most likely be. He stoop in front of a wooden door and knocked.

The door was opened by Kasen who gave Xelqua a warm smile. Xelqua gave him a nod and walked in.

The room was like the library but just bigger and it was full of reports instead of historical books. Edita was standing in front of a table in the middle of the room. She turned around as Xelqua and Kasen walked in.

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