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     The Civil War's final battle was finally happening. Both of the teams had captured two flags. We had some kind of plan and it looked like I was going to be the one who went to team S.T.A.R.'s base and tried to get the flag.

Now we were all sitting in the meeting room and waiting for the battle to start. Everyone sat in silence and looked at their communicators. I looked at my contacts and saw Sherenidy's name. I felt horrible for her knowing what she had been through. Then everyone's communicator buzzed and I went to the Hermitcraft group chat.

GoodTimesWithScar: Everyone ready?

I smirked as the message appeared. This was it, the final battle!

"Alright G-team! Everyone ready?" I asked looking at my team.

"YES!" Everyone shouted.

"Let's go!" I gave the command and everyone stormed out of the room.

I followed Jevin to the battlefield. As we walked outside, we saw ConCorps platform above the battlefield with Cub and Scar plus Jellie. They seemed to be already interviewing Impulse. I looked at Jevin.

"Are you ready?" I asked and the blue slime nodded.

"Yeah. Are you?" He asked from me.

"Yes, I'll try my best to get the flag quickly," I smirked.

"I believe in you G!" Jevin encouraged me.

"Thanks! Try not to die, at least that many times," I patted his shoulder while smirking.

"I'll try," He smirked back.

Then we headed to the battlefield ready to fight. The others had also gotten to the battlefield. I saw Joe drink an invisibility potion, he was supposed to make a bridge I could use in order to get to the other side.

The battle was going well. Joe has finally made the bridge and I had just drank an invisibility potion. I stepped on the bridge and quickly ran to their dungeon. I looked around and was attacked by the phantoms. They caught me off guard and I might have actually slayed some of them with my Obsidian sword, which appears in my hand if I feel like I need it.

It took a while to find the right cave. I walked in and straight past the traps without even noticing them. I grabbed the flag and started running back to our base. I placed my hand on the door handle and was about to open the door as I heard a slight giggle behind me. I froze, I recognized that voice. I didn't want to look behind me, but I had to see if it was true.

I turned around to see a female. She was around my height and her silverish-brown hair curled to her shoulders. Her black eyes met my blue ones. She giggled to my shocked reaction.

"W-why..?" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

"I just wanted to see you," The female giggled.

"You are not real.. You are dead..," I whispered.

"It is sad but true, I am dead," She smiled sadly.

I couldn't say anything. I was too shocked.

"A little bird came to me and sang that you are going to be getting a new area to Hermitcraft soon. I thought that maybe you could build a house with one of my designs since you have always wanted to so a collaboration with me," She smiled.

"I-I," I tried to answer.

I tried to say that I want to. I missed her so much and I had always wanted to do a collaboration with her. But she was gone, dead.

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