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[No one]

     Grian had been working on his base all day. It was finally starting to look better. It had been around two weeks since Quinn died. Everything was going well in Hermitcraft. Error had attacked only one some another server, but the fight had left Kasen, Edita and Winslow a little badly injured. At least no one had lost their lives. Grian hadn't been at the fight. He didn't even know about it before he went to The Main World and saw Kasen injured. He was kinda annoyed that nobody told him about it, but he also found out that Irwin and Chet hadn't known either. Then his communicator buzzed.

<Cunfan135> There is someone at the spawn!
<DocM77> He looks injured, can someone bring some potions?
<Xisuma> Strange, I didn't see anyone joining.
<Iskall85> Me and Stress are coming!

Grian quickly broke to the system and checked the chat.

ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᒲᔑ╎リ ᔑ↸ᒲ╎リ ᒲᔑ𝙹  has joined the game.

Grian was shocked. He quickly took his elytra and flied to the spawn.

Mao was lying on the ground, False and Doc were holding him. Mumbo, Scar and Cub were standing next to them.

Grian landed and quickly ran to Mao.

"Grian?" False sounded confused when Grian started checking Mao's injuries.

He saw Xisuma, Joe, Iskall and Stress land. But he focused on Mao. He took a splash potion of healing and threw it on Mao.

Stress was now standing next to Grian helping him.

Grian checked Mao's back but didn't see his wings.

"Mao!" He called out trying not to use Galactic and accidentally reveal himself.

Mao didn't respond. Grian started looking for wounds. He saw a deep cut in his right leg and a small wounds in his chest and face. Then Grian heard his communicator buzz and quickly took it out.


Xel, have you seen Mao? (15.28)
He was injured in a battle against
it, but didn't come to The Main
World. (15.29)

(15.29) Mao appeared in Hermitcraft!

Thanks! I'm coming! (15.29)

Grian put his communicator away and turned back to Mao.

"He's going to be okay. I did everything I could," He heard Stress say to Xisuma.

"This is really weird! There was not any kind of notification when he joined and no one invited him! And I don't even know him," Xisuma sounded confused.

ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᒲᔑ╎リ ∴ᔑℸ ̣ ᓵ⍑ᒷ∷ ᓭ⍑ᒷ∷ᒷリ╎↸|| has joined the game.

Grian happened to be looking at the right direction the moment Sherenidy joined. Because someone was already on the spawn, she ended up in a tree and fell down to the ground right when she joined. Grian heard just a scream when the female Watcher joined to fell from a tree.

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