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I was leaning against the wall while watching the brunette Watcher, who was trying to fix the third teleporting console. He had finished fixing the second one around three hours ago. This was taking a lot of time, which was not a good thing. The Mains had a lot to do but this was also important and had to be done. And for some stupid reason there has to be two Mains watching as The Lead was working, some old rule or something like that.

I moved my glare and looked at The Main Admin standing next to me. I carefully eyebowled my newest brother. He had brown hair and red eyes and wasn't really tall, 160cm to be exact. We were around the same height, except he was a couple of centimeters taller than me. He was also three years younger than I was and was the 6th oldest of The Mains. He had been added to The Mains after our dear sister Quinn had passed away. The new Main had been the 1st ranked Lead for the whole two years and was really talented. He also had a really nice personality and was responsible. Blake had his own server together with The Main Admin Upton.

I let my eyes move to the next victim, The Lead Watcher Dexter, one of my best friends. Ever since I had joined the council I'd had six best friends of my siblings. The Main Admin Upton, The Main Watcher Chet, The Main Watcher Kasen, The Lead Watcher Dexter, The Lead Admin Friede and The Lead Admin Reed plus of course my best friend from the Watcher Academy, The Lead Watcher Xenex. Now I was looking at Dexter, the short brunette 23 years old Watcher. He was one of the shortest Council members, even shorter than me, by three centimeters. He was actually the shortest Lead and second shortest Council member since he was only 155cm. He was the mechanic and knew almost everything about those kind of stuff. He was currently the 2nd ranked Lead being right after the 1st ranked Xenex. The brunette was really good at being a Watcher and he knew a lot of useful tricks.

I was snapped back to the reality by Dexter.

"Now it's finished," The short brunette informed while opening the console by tapping the screen.

"Does it work?" Blake asked tilting his head.

Dexter typed something on the screen and disappeared. He appeared through Hypixel's portal again and walked back to us.

"Yes," He answered.

"That's amazing! Now we're done here," I patted my brother's shoulder and gave him as smile.

"Yeah, I have some admin business to attend. See ya guys!" Blake waved before walking to his server's portal.

"Bye!" Dexter waved before picking up his cloak from the floor.

He quickly put it on and hid his, now dirty, white collared shirt.

"You really should wash that shirt," I pointed out smirking.

Dexter let out a laugh. "Hah, I guess that you're right!"

"We should head back to the HQ, it's been a long day," I said yawning.

"Yeah, it definitely has been a long day," The brunette agreed.

We walked out of the portal hub's doorway and headed towards the HQ.


I eyebowled Mao a we walked through the the HQ's hallways towards the library. The brunette eyebowled me back, which was kinda interesting.

"Something in your mind, Meluwyn?" I smirked as I used his first name.

"Who the fuck is Melu-" He started before realizing that it was his own name.

"I still can't believe that you always forget your OWN FUCKING NAME!" I spoke laughing.

"It's not used that much. Why would I remember it?" Mao hit back.

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