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I glared Sherenidy carefully. She was in a call with Mao, probably. I was standing next to the drinks alone, which made it easier to look at her. She was a bit away from everyone and I was the closest to her.

"That's not going to work," She said to the phone quietly.

I was listening to her side of the conversation knowing that it was something I should know to.

"The Academy's head Watcher is not an idiot. He would start suspecting things if we did that," She explained. "No, no! We can't fuck up things right now!" She continued.

I raised my eyebrows. The conversation was probably about the Watcher Academy situation.

"We can't really do anything before we have more proof that tells about him being behind everything," Sherenidy said.

She nodded one last time and ended the call. She turned around and faced me. We nodded for each other knowing exactly what we had to do next. She walked to take some Coca Cola from the table.

"Was it about the Academy?" I whispered without even looking at her.

"Yes," She answered continuing to get the Cola.

"What's the problem?" I asked quietly still not looking at her.

"Their head Watcher might be behind the cases that involve black magic," Sherenidy answered taking a sip from her glass.

"Ezohr? Is he behind them?" I tilted my head.

"Hold up! Who?" She tried not to look at me.

"Ezohr? The Watcher Academy's head Watcher?" I was confused about her reaction.

Sherenidy, who had just taken a sip from her Cola, spewed it on the ground and turned around. She was so surprised that she looked like an idiot as she started at me with her mouth open. Some of the Hermits were now looking at us.

"SINCE WHEN DID HE HAVE A FUCKING NAME?!" She shouted, still shocked.

"Since he was born, I guess," I shrugged. "You didn't know it?" I tilted my head.

"He's name has never been mentioned in any of the books or reports!" Sherenidy stared right into my eyes.

"What?" I was really surprised.

"How do you know it?" She asked taking a step closer to me.

"He literally told it to me when I met him for the first time," I told her.

I saw her eyes quickly drift from me to Xenex. He noticed her glare and turned around. Xenex tilted his head and walked to us after saying something to Xisuma, who had been talking with him. He stopped next to us and looked at Sherenidy. I noticed that a lot of the Hermits were now looking at our direction.

"What is it?" Xenex asked.

"Do you know the Academy's head Watcher's name?" Sherenidy asked glaring at his eyes.

"Uh, I guess that it's Ezohr," Xenex answered rubbing his hair.

"Why the fuck didn't I knew this?" Sherenidy mumbled to herself and took out her communicator.

"I guess that he never really tells it to anyone," Xenex shrugged and made eye contact with me from behind his mask.

We were both really surprised about Sherenidy's reaction. We hadn't known that even The Mains didn't know the Watcher Academy's head Watcher's name. He had personally told it to both of us when we had been in the Academy as students.

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