Chapter 7: Striking Challenge

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The Trustees of the Palace of Goryeo
request the pleasure of the company of

Park Ji-min, son of Park Jin-ho of the southern Liquis

at a royal meeting in the presence of the King of Goryeo and his Crown Prince
on February the 4th, 3701 Lunar at 10¨
¨Morning | .. Night

Jimin looked at the invitation that was dropped off at his shop by the guards of the palace earlier. He smiled and snapped his neck, right away getting up to iron another one of his father's elegant Hanfus.

"You really need to buy some of your own" Mina said, walking into the house after her weaving class "What are you even doing with that?" she asked.

"Thow an eye on that red envelope sister" he told her from where he stood and watched her reaction as she read the words, carefully re-reading to make sure she didn't hallucinate. She turned with a shocked expression on her face, she had never seen that type of invitation even when her father was the royal doctor. Those were mostly sent to important families and famous tradesmen in the kingdom. What did Jimin do to deserve one.

"Are you marrying a princess? Am I marrying a prince? Why..." she asked, incredulous.

"Forget marriage Mina, we've reached the palace with our craft" he said and walked over to her, putting his hands on either of her shoulders and looking at her in the eyes.

"They asked for me because they appreciated my gift a lot, can you believe it?" he explained and she smiled.

"You're a genius Jimin! What do you think they want to talk about?" she'd asked excitedly. They sat down close to the unfolded Hanfu and he explained to her everything he did so far, however keeping the goal of his actions concealed.

"That's why we have that many Dracni? I see... I should've realized it wasn't just for the flower, your obsession had grown unhealthy" she pointed out and he chuckled.

"It is a little bit about the flower, but yes there was a reason behind it. Tomorrow, I'm going to talk to both of them about my work and hopefully they will be interested enough to offer me a title" he elaborated.

"Is general Jungkook going to be okay with that? He doesn't seem the type of person to allow such things easily" she pointed out and he agreed.

"I remember dad telling us about him having a heavy opinion in appointing palace workers. I'm almost sure my mixture was convincing, but he might desist when I mention my conditions" Jimin spoke thoughtfully.

"You have to be ready, brother. On another note, I saw Woobin earlier. I've been seeing him a lot lately, odd" she said, getting up to start preparing dinner.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I meet him in the streets or by my weaving classes, we just greet each other most the time" she replied and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

He couldn't believe Woobin had still not started courting her, it has been so long since he asked for it and he seemed pretty sure of himself. It appeared he was indeed quite shy around his sister and he can't help but find that endearing.


"I presume you have an idea why you were invited to share this discussion with his Majesty and I" Crown Prince Jungkook spoke from where he sat in the Throne room.

Jimin was a bit nervous. Compared to the last time when he knew his gift was good enough and had control over the situation, this time he was completely dependent on their questions. Granted, he prepared himself plenty, but he realized anything could go wrong at the unpredictability of their thoughts.

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