Chapter 6: A Matter of Time

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Jimin walked back home empty handed while his mind carried all his concerns and doubts. He was taken aback by the King's generosity, it was his first time meeting the man despite his father being so close to him, and he could clearly feel the goodness of his heart through his words.

The King was never the target of Jimin's resentment, he knew that his dad admired him and would never want to hurt him in any way. He half-heartedly used the royal family's name when planning his revenge while in reality, he only saw general Jungkook's face between his eyes the entire time.

He finally got to see him so clearly instead of from where he rode his horse coming back from battle. He was both angry and relieved the crown prince wasn't there when he first walked in, he did want to face him but he was afraid his disgust would be too obvious. He thankfully got the time to compose himself before the man actually appeared.

Jimin entered the house and found Mina drying some plants for next week's order. He sat on one of the chairs and laid his head on the table. "You're back! How was the King, did you see the Queens? How was the palace?" she asked, curious about the entire thing and he indulged, telling her about his exchange with their ruler.

"He said that? How kind... What if one day I go learn over there, I could become one of the best artisans" Mina replied, excited about the King's words. He smiled and ruffled her bangs, earning a whine and grumbled words.

"Did you see the Crown Prince?"

"Yes. Nothing happened though I promise you, I didn't show any inappropriate emotion. I told, you, it was just a gift to the King"

"That's true, tea wouldn't harm anybody" she shrugged and pointed over to the big bouquet of red flowers "You went and brought Dracni again yesterday. I understand that you love the flower but you have to stop this obsession, people might start thinking this is a Dracna shop" she complained and he sighed.

"I keep them in the back of the store, they don't bother anybody" he skipped over to his room and collapsed on his bed. He sprawled his arms wide and looked at the ceiling as a sly smirk made its way on his lips. Let it all begin.


"Your highness, the royal doctor will be here in an instant" a court lady announced.

Jungkook looked at the spot where his wound previously was, now only leaving behind a pink-ish scar. He grazed his fingers over it, the hair on his side standing at his cold fingers. He didn't feel any pain at all, it looked like it was healed but then again that couldn't be right, wounds like those would only completely heal after 6 weeks of treatment. Just as long as his previous wounds took.

"My prince, it's good to see you again this week"

"Good morning sir Kim, I apologize for calling for you so early today" Jungkook bowed and the older man mirrored it, quickly dismissing the apology "Please, it is my duty to look after the royal family"

Kim Namjoon was the new royal doctor, he was assigned a few days after Jungkook returned from the battle that cost Jimin's father his life. Namjoon had worked closely with Park Jinho before and was devastated upon hearing the news because he really appreciated the man, being the one who taught him many of things he knew now.

"I'm very perplexed, this wound is not supposed to heal so fast" Jungkook pointed out, showing the area to the doctor who'd seen it a few times already in their previous sessions. He examined the scar and the area around it, not finding anything odd in the matter. "I do not think there is something wrong with it. Maybe your body is more accustomed to these types of wounds and the healing process has become shorter" he tried to explain, noting down all his observations.

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